
Oh. Also my dogs I already have sleep with the cats. Blue got between Mack and his cat Ko-T earlier. I barely got them separated after the fight started. They're good now, no more issues as long as the cats arent in the picture.

I am sorry that the dogs fought, but also happy that the cats have a protector in Blue. Seems like Blie is very fond of the cats. I hope you get Mack sorted out before anything happens to those cats. When the Rott I adopted spotted a cat she bulldozed the gate down and grabbed it. The poor kitten was in her mouth scared to death and so was I! But it turns out, after a emergency race to the vet, the Rott had no aggression, the cat was unharmed. The 3 pound cat had at most minor bruising from being in the rott's mouth. The dog had never seen a cat before and when the cat ran by and through the gate the dog chased and grabbed it then turned and started to being it to me. Almost like she was asking what it was and what to do with it now. She is now extremly protective of those cats, the 1 she grabbed in particular and when we got 2 new puppies and they started chasing the cats the Rott got right there and stopped it. I didn't have to do anything, an 80 pound Rott guardian was enough to teach the puppies the cats were to be left alone! Peace has reigned in my house ever since the Rott adopted our house cats as her babies.

I would reward Blue for protecting the cats, it is a good behavior and should be encouraged. I would also keep disciplining Mack whenever he gets out of line. I do hope that you are able to work through Mack's issues. It sounds like your home is great. Good luck and keep us posted on his progress please. I would like to know if Mack learns cat manners.
How did you feed the ducks? They don't seem to know what a hanging feeder is.

The ducks are staying on the opposite side of the yard from the geese. They are like "no way will I get by you guys" and the feeling seems to be mutual. The geese got upset when the ducks started drinking out of their 2 pools! Mean, greedy things. They will get along though, it takes a week or 2 for the geese to accept new members to their flock. The trick is to let them see each other every night, separated by wire and let them mingle everyday in the yard with lots of places to run! I set up a pool where to ducks are hanging out, so they can drink, swim, and play without mean goosey interference. My parents both came over and think they are cute. My dad and husband asked me which was for dinner. :eek:.
My oldest son is home sick, he was throwing up in class, which is why I kinda hung up. I recognized the schools number on my cell phone. He is past out in bed and didn't really pay attention to the ducks, but he will be head over heals when he is feeling better! Poor ducks really want to be friends with my chickens though, and my chickens won't have it. Lol.

We used a hanging feeder, but it's on the ground until I can set up somewhere to hang it. The chickens are making me paranoid...they appear to be making nests in the compost pile...don't wanna hunt down any eggs tomorrw. :p

Hope your son feels better!

- TieDyeMommy
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We used a hanging feeder, but it's on the ground until I can set up somewhere to hang it. The chickens are making me paranoid...they appear to be making nests in the compost pile...don't wanna hunt down any eggs tomorrw. :p

Hope your son feels better!

- TieDyeMommy

You can use milk crates or any type of box they will fit in as a temporary nest until you can make a couple permanent nests for them.

They will figure out the hanging feeders when they see the other birds using them, I'm sure. They really like hanging out under my crepemurdle tree, lol.

I hope he feels better too, he has a physical tomorrow for athletics. He already missed 2 classes yesterday for the chipped tooth, and half a day today from being sick. If he is still sick tomorrow I will make him a doctors appointment to see what's up with him.
You can use milk crates or any type of box they will fit in as a temporary nest until you can make a couple permanent nests for them.

They will figure out the hanging feeders when they see the other birds using them, I'm sure. They really like hanging out under my crepemurdle tree, lol.

I hope he feels better too, he has a physical tomorrow for athletics. He already missed 2 classes yesterday for the chipped tooth, and half a day today from being sick. If he is still sick tomorrow I will make him a doctors appointment to see what's up with him.

I think I may put some small cardboard boxes (with the tops open/cut off) in there, for now, until we can find/make proper nesting boxes. Right now, there are two chicken-sized bowls sunk into the compost pile, and one chicken-sized bowl sunk into the dried leaves behind the coop. Not sure if everyone is just enjoying the extra space (choice chillin' spots), or if these ladies might be preparing for laying eggs Easter-Egg style.

Hope he feels better soon...and hope no one else catches the crud (a sick house is no fun).

- TieDyeMommy
Good afternoon everyone! Just thought I'd drop in and brag. I'm getting on a plane tomorrow heading to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for long weekend deep sea fishing, sun bathing, and mojito-drinking. If I do not return, I hereby bequeath all my chickens, coop, run, and supplies to the good people of BYC-Texas.

If I do come back, then I will be in the market for a 5 pack (1 rooster, 4 hens) of any of the following breeds: Golden-Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Ameraucanas, Icelandics, Black Copper Marans, or Old English Game. Shoot me a PM if you will have any of these available. I prefer 6 weeks and older.

You have a Good Trip Clovis!!! Don't think about us poor folks here on BYC! ;)


I think the black duck in this picture is a Cayuga. They are all black, with black feet and a black bill. I had one that came as a freebie with my first order of Welsh Harlequins, and he was gorgeous!


She has no shine to her at all, and she is chocolate brown, with brown bill & feet...and though it's thin, she has a full crest. Her previous owner said she was Black Crested, and based on what I've read/heard/seen, I agree.

- TieDyeMommy
Good afternoon everyone! Just thought I'd drop in and brag. I'm getting on a plane tomorrow heading to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for long weekend deep sea fishing, sun bathing, and mojito-drinking. If I do not return, I hereby bequeath all my chickens, coop, run, and supplies to the good people of BYC-Texas.

If I do come back, then I will be in the market for a 5 pack (1 rooster, 4 hens) of any of the following breeds: Golden-Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Ameraucanas, Icelandics, Black Copper Marans, or Old English Game. Shoot me a PM if you will have any of these available. I prefer 6 weeks and older.
You lucky duck!!! Hope ya'll have a blast and don't think about us poor souls stuck back here in Texas!!! Have a safe trip!!
I think I may put some small cardboard boxes (with the tops open/cut off) in there, for now, until we can find/make proper nesting boxes.  Right now, there are two chicken-sized bowls sunk into the compost pile, and one chicken-sized bowl sunk into the dried leaves behind the coop.  Not sure if everyone is just enjoying the extra space (choice chillin' spots), or if these ladies might be preparing for laying eggs Easter-Egg style.  :p

Hope he feels better soon...and hope no one else catches the crud (a sick house is no fun).

- TieDyeMommy

It might be a little of both. With the ducks gone they have more room and more chances to catch tasty bugs, lol. Nest boxes are easy and can be made from almost anything. Just look it up on this thread, there also cool nest boxes made from totes or buckets on uTube.

I just found out the lady across the street, directly in front of me has ducks! I thought she said they were killed when the stray dogs tore her chain link fencing months ago but it looks like she has either 1 or 2 and they look just like Aflac! They came up to her front yard, looking at my new ducks who were being very vocal at the time. I guess they stay in the back of her yard usually but heard my ducks chatting and came to investigate. Lol. Her ducks are so quite, never heard a single quack from them ever! Today there were a few exchanged quacks across the street, i swear it sounded like "hi, welcome, now leave me alone!" If her ducks and mine start holding conversations across the street I am going to die laughing! On the other hand, she might take Aflac if he gets too rough with the girls.
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