
I know several other people have American game on here, now what is the youngest you have had them start fighting? Mine are a bit over 8 weeks and they will not separate, at first I thought it was the pecking order but after 7 minutes neither one of them backed off, I separated them for a day, when I let then back in together the next day they launched at each other at first sight. I was planing on this happening for another 2-4 months...not now... Way to young

Well mine are actually trying to fight now but they are so young they are just more less pushing each other around more than anything. But it is alittle worry some cause I dont want anyone getting hurt. So I am interested to see what everyone has to say.
Good day folks...
Well I was wrong about the time line on Becka's eggs...I thought I had 3-4 more days. They started hatching yesterday. Had 2 by yesterday afternoon and 2 more last night. 3 are yellow and 1 is red. There are still 3 more eggs waiting to see what happens. Headed down to check soon.

I think what happened was she was brooding part time and when the big hens were putting their eggs in her nest they were helping her brood them so they were actually incubating sooner than I thought.

I'm still unsure which way to go....Build another pen and let her raise them or separate her from them and raise them in a brooder cage. I know she will pitch a blue fit if a separate her from them, but I want the best for the chicks. Any advice?

Repost...Was going to let Belle and Speedy (He's a month old now) out but a few days age Speedy had bloody poo and wasn't eating well and not spunky. Today he is much better and is eating again. Poo is still dark but not bloody. I am concerned it could be coccidia...How long should I quarantine them?

Something else we are doing to help cool the coop...$15 box fan hung from the coop rafters. Luckily we have power to the coop, but an extension cord could be used. Going to put another one a little further down, same way.
Doing what ever we can to keep them cool. 30 birds generate alot of heat. Waiting for this little cool spell to pass and then plastic comes off the front, so ready to open it up!!
I got my shipment of chicks today 15 RIR hens, 15 BR he as, and 6 https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6317392/dark Cornish roosters
Yeah! Glad you got your original order in finally!

I'm still unsure which way to go....Build another pen and let her raise them or separate her from them and raise them in a brooder cage. I know she will pitch a blue fit if a separate her from them, but I want the best for the chicks. Any advice?

Repost...Was going to let Belle and Speedy (He's a month old now) out but a few days age Speedy had bloody poo and wasn't eating well and not spunky. Today he is much better and is eating again. Poo is still dark but not bloody. I am concerned it could be coccidia...How long should I quarantine them?
I would let her raise them where she is. Maybe separate an area for her and the chicks for a few days, but leave them in the coop with the other chickens. She should be able to keep them safe unless you have a really mean hen.

Can't offer any advise for the other problem. I tried looking to back to see how long you've had Speedy, but no way with all the posts. Have you had him long? Did you get him from somewhere else? If he is new, I think your suppose to keep them in quarantine for at least a month to make sure they don't have anything that they can give to your flock.

Becka and peeper number 1
So cute!!! I wouldn't separate them. Let momma raise them!
Anyone have any experience cat breaking a dog? Just inherited a dog who has mega prey drive and the cats and horses are what he wants to eat.. I think my Mustang taught him not to chase after she plowed him down last night during feeding....

However, he gets more and more exicited every time he sees them.
You need a remote zapping coller and you need it fast.
Anyone have any experience cat breaking a dog? Just inherited a dog who has mega prey drive and the cats and horses are what he wants to eat.. I think my Mustang taught him not to chase after she plowed him down last night during feeding....

However, he gets more and more exicited every time he sees them.

I had to teach my cat aggressive male dog to tolerate cats, and also my high drive Siberian Huskies. It wasn't hard thoughts he has a very high need to please me, and all but 1 husky was a pup. I installed baby/dog cats in 2 places in my house so the cats could get through but not the dogs. I then brought out the cat in my arms and let them smell it, if they growled or threatened the cat I slapped them across the muzzle. Only 1 smack and never to hurt. I never let the cat on the floor in the same room as the dog until the dog did not growl or raise its hackles at the cat anymore. The first few times the dog chased the cats, they got spanked, in the 1 extreme chicken killers case I resorted to a remote control shock collar. She quickly got the idea. So in a nut shell you claim the cat as your property in a way the dog understands, and discipline the dog for disobeying the rules. You must be the pack leader for it to work though, if you have to resort to brute force then the dog does not respect you as the alpha. If done right and consistently you will end up with scenes like this in your house. Out of my 6 dogs, 2 really really love their kitties, the other 4 either ignore them or tolerate them.






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