
He's handsome! I'm too far, and probably dont have enough "experience" ;) ,but I hope he finds a great home!

My girls will be 18 weeks on Monday! They're so big!
And my foster chicks are now pretty much free ranging all day! However, for some reason, they just didnt get to go out yesterday. I think there was a reason for that, even though I had no idea at the time. Turns out the cat( or dog) killed a 3-4' rat snake and left it hanging in the tree

Oh my gosh yuck!! I find baby snakes, like 6 inches long, in my yard under stuff. Don't like the big ones! How'd they get the snake in the tree??
Oh my gosh yuck!! I find baby snakes, like 6 inches long, in my yard under stuff. Don't like the big ones! How'd they get the snake in the tree??

The trees are these..tall weird looking things along our fence. The limbs start REALLY low.
I'll upload pics.

By the way, this may be old news and I just missed it, but has anybody heard of the mt. healthy/TSC salmonella outbreak? ?
Question... I have a glass jar of dry pinto beans that have been at my folks house for God knows how long. I was wondering if it's okay to boil them (no seasoning) and feed them as a treat to my girls?
Question... I have a glass jar of dry pinto beans that have been at my folks house for God knows how long. I was wondering if it's okay to boil them (no seasoning) and feed them as a treat to my girls?
According to my chicken book concerning beans...Dry, uncooked beans contain the natural insecticide hemaglutin which is toxic to chickens. Soaking and cooking or sprouting (as suggested) eliminates the toxin...Magpie
I have a Murray McMurray Silver Spangled Hamburg rooster that I'd like to get rid of. There is a Hamburg thread on this site if you would like to know more about the breed. Zebra is a good roo and was my "surprise" chick in my order last August. He is quite the gentleman with the ladies by giving them his treats before he eats himself. He is about 4 pounds. I would prefer if he went to someone with actual poultry experience and where he can free range a good part of the day because that is what he is used to. If anyone is interested in coming south of Elgin (25 miles from downtown Austin), then PM me. Thanks!
He is gorgeous! But I can't take him. I don't have enough experience, (I don't fully count my childhood experience as I wasn't their care taker). And he really isn't the size I am looking for. But I do hope he finds a great home.
He is gorgeous! But I can't take him. I don't have enough experience, (I don't fully count my childhood experience as I wasn't their care taker). And he really isn't the size I am looking for. But I do hope he finds a great home.

I'll probably end up keeping him...he is a good little guy, which is why I haven't put him on CL. I would hate to see him caged or left of fend for himself, either way is death. After we finish the roost extension I've asked my husband to add an extension to the fence to give my bachelor boys their own area...I don't think the hubs realizes that means another coop, too!! :D

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