
i feel you there. our dog Pete is 16 and we wanted to put him down like 6 months ago when he lost his sight, hearing, and mobility. But every time we bring it up my dad throws a 2 year old fit. And last night he couldn't get up on his own and breathing hard so we where going to call out his vet to put him down. Then my dad threw a massive fit and broke my phone when i was on the phone with the vet. So now we are most likely going to have to watch him gurgle out like one of my cats a few years ago because my dad is too **** stubborn to let him go:hit
Poor dog. I am so sorry you have to go through this
i feel you there. our dog Pete is 16 and we wanted to put him down like 6 months ago when he lost his sight, hearing, and mobility. But every time we bring it up my dad throws a 2 year old fit. And last night he couldn't get up on his own and breathing hard so we where going to call out his vet to put him down. Then my dad threw a massive fit and broke my phone when i was on the phone with the vet. So now we are most likely going to have to watch him gurgle out like one of my cats a few years ago because my dad is too **** stubborn to let him go

Just tell your dad, this is God's plan. Pete will be waiting for him in heaven. That not one living thing gets out of here alive. I know where he is coming from. He is wanting God to take him, not us. God knows the time and place. I realize he is suffering, but God will not make him suffer. Just like He will not make us suffer when we have to go. He has lived a long and good life, serving you and yours, it may be time to let him go, God's way. I realize this is a little preachy, but this is what I believe. I have been thru this numerous times in my lifetime, and I always find it easier when I let Him take the lead. May God Bless you and yours.
Just tell your dad, this is God's plan. Pete will be waiting for him in heaven. That not one living thing gets out of here alive. I know where he is coming from. He is wanting God to take him, not us. God knows the time and place. I realize he is suffering, but God will not make him suffer. Just like He will not make us suffer when we have to go. He has lived a long and good life, serving you and yours, it may be time to let him go, God's way. I realize this is a little preachy, but this is what I believe. I have been thru this numerous times in my lifetime, and I always find it easier when I let Him take the lead. May God Bless you and yours.
thank you we can use all the help we can get

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