
Hi Trish,

Yes, the public is welcome. Last year there was no gate fee and I assume it will be the same this year. There is a raffle and maybe a silent action (I can't remember for sure) that were a lot of fun last year. We participated in the raffle and came home with some books on chickens and some freeze dried mealworms and a load of fun was had by all.

I don't think we'll be able to make it this year but it is a very nice show with a lot of birds.

Hope you have a blast,
It sounds like it will be a fun show, This is my first time going to it
. We will be bring both of my Brd. buff laced polish hens, and a backyard bird. Im so excited
, So glad you joined us

Barbill, I've had buff Orpingtons for many years. They are one of my favorite breeds!!! Sweet temperament, reliable layers of beautiful eggs and so pretty to look at as they march about the yard.
Best of luck with your 5 Orpies.
Hi Trish,

Yes, the public is welcome. Last year there was no gate fee and I assume it will be the same this year. There is a raffle and maybe a silent action (I can't remember for sure) that were a lot of fun last year. We participated in the raffle and came home with some books on chickens and some freeze dried mealworms and a load of fun was had by all.

I don't think we'll be able to make it this year but it is a very nice show with a lot of birds.

Hope you have a blast,

Does anyone know what time the show starts? I checked the website and didnt see a start time.
Urban Escapee this is the only thing I could find:

"Show room will open:
Friday, January 8, from 5:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.
Saturday, January 7 at 7:00 a.m.
All entries must be in place by 9:00 a.m."

That was copied from the website. If you click on the black dot (on the upper righthand corner of the colored boxes) the black dot will scroll the information in that colored box up and down. I hope that makes sense because making sense is not always my forte. I think they mean Friday, January 6 instead of Friday, January 8. Anyway, I hope this helps and I'm sorry I won't get to see all y'all there.


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