
My ducklings are upset that they couldn't go out today for a swim it's too cold.
I washed it pretty well. Got a goodly amount of progress on the next coop. Far from done and plenty sore. I hope it all works out this year for the Coronation Sussex. I am still on the waiting list but I want everything in place when it does come through.
Glad to see everyone is surviving the weather. It's raining real good in Waco right now. I had to practically crawl to work this a.m. due to limited visibility. Rooster, I hope that eye is doing better. If it's still bothering you today, I'd get it looked at. If there is a shaving in there, the longer it's there, the harder it is to dislodge. Nothing worse than a scratched eyeball. Hoping for the best for you.
I am in Sachse, which is near the Dallas area - no one has heard of Sachse.

We are new to owning chickens. We have our first chicks - 5 Black Australorps, and we are pretty sure one is a Rooster, so we found him a home on a farm for when we are certain of his sex. We got 2 chicks to fill in the gap and they are two weeks younger- a buff orphington and a rhode island red. I can't wait until they are big enough to integrate, but until then we have 2 brooders in the garage. We are building our chicken coop for when they are ready to be outside. So happy to be here!
I am in Sachse, which is near the Dallas area - no one has heard of Sachse.

We are new to owning chickens. We have our first chicks - 5 Black Australorps, and we are pretty sure one is a Rooster, so we found him a home on a farm for when we are certain of his sex. We got 2 chicks to fill in the gap and they are two weeks younger- a buff orphington and a rhode island red. I can't wait until they are big enough to integrate, but until then we have 2 brooders in the garage. We are building our chicken coop for when they are ready to be outside. So happy to be here!
Welcome Sachse. You are actually only a couple hundred miles from us here between Coleman and Abilene. That, by Texas standards, is not all that far. Enjoy your birds. They are not just producers of eggs but put on a pretty good and relaxing show just to watch.
Yes they are entertaining to watch. No that our first set is two weeks you can really see the pecking order being established. We also added roosting rods to the brooder so our alpha is showing herself quite often now. Nothing too severe but I often wonder what sparks their little confrontations when I am watching them. We have a while before we get eggs, but in the mean time they are entertaining.
I am in Sachse, which is near the Dallas area - no one has heard of Sachse.

We are new to owning chickens. We have our first chicks - 5 Black Australorps, and we are pretty sure one is a Rooster, so we found him a home on a farm for when we are certain of his sex. We got 2 chicks to fill in the gap and they are two weeks younger- a buff orphington and a rhode island red. I can't wait until they are big enough to integrate, but until then we have 2 brooders in the garage. We are building our chicken coop for when they are ready to be outside. So happy to be here!
Cleaned up a bunch of downs branches and leaves from our last storm this weekend and piled it all up in the corner of my open air hoop coop that my young Icelandics are housed in. At first they were spooked but it didn't take long until they lived up to their nickname "pile chickens". They tore that sucker to shreds in no time. During which, one of my hens found a small grass snake and the race was on!! They spent the next half hour playing keep away. It looked like a soccer game going on in there! haha Chicken TV never gets old. Especially these lively, energetic birds! Never a dull moment with Icies.

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