
Chicken or rat snakes can slither into some tight spaces. However when they consume rats eggs or chicks they are to big to get out and make for target practice.
Not only that but I recently saw one actually sort of stand up on it's tail to get over a low fence. First time I ever saw that.

Something tells me you aren't talking about a coiled snake with the head raised. Where is the camera when you need one?

It is raining here and it is my understanding we are going to get 3+ inches tomorrow. joy joy joy
This takes May showers to May deluge.
This rain is just unreal. We will be begging for it come August
Not only that but I recently saw one actually sort of stand up on it's tail to get over a low fence. First time I ever saw that.
O my. That would have been something to see.

Chicken or rat snakes can slither into some tight spaces. However when they consume rats eggs or chicks they are to big to get out and make for target practice.
I would have died if that snake had gotten a baby Muscovy. Or, my broody Muscovy and her eggs.
This rain is just unreal. We will be begging for it come August
I am so through with this rain!!! It started late last night. A slow drizzly rain and the temps have stayed in the low 50's. It is still raining and is supposed to rain until at least Friday. I think, at least for my old bones, this is worse than the downpours we had before.
I am so through with this rain!!! It started late last night. A slow drizzly rain and the temps have stayed in the low 50's. It is still raining and is supposed to rain until at least Friday. I think, at least for my old bones, this is worse than the downpours we had before.
X2 I never thought I'd say it but I've had enough also. We are cooler but not that cool.

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