
Didn't bait the trap -- but this morning a raccoon managed to get itself caught.

Thought briefly about doing something with it -- taxidermy? -- and put off the killing - because if I wanted it 'stuffed' - then it would make a difference how nice the corpse was - right? -- Finally I decided to just kill it and throw it out to the buzzards - By the time I went out with my gun -- it has died of heat stroke. I'm sorry for it -- (it would be a completely un-marred specimine then wouldn't it -- no bullet hole in the head with the blood accompanying it. )--

sorry for the corpse pictures -- but there is a point here.... I have a weather station and the heat index is as high as 115. I put a shade over the top of the trap -- but since he was destined for shooting anyway I didn't water him. (kind of how would you do that without getting bitten anyway) --- The thermometer temp is 95.

So -- animals outside really can quickly die of heat stroke. Which is worse... firing squad or heat? dunno - and I do feel bad. So I'm ultra concerened by my chickens that are just a few feet away -- in these temperatures. Summer's here.
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Ideal Poultry emailed me last night that my new chicks were shipped and the Post Office in Cypress called at 5:45 this morning to let us know they had arrived! I love going up to that window in the PO building and hearing those peepers going loud as they bring the box up to me. The whole office turns to stare. I got 20 total: 10 New Hampshires, 5 Buff Orpingtons and 5 Copper Marans (for dark brown eggs). Liveliest bunch I think I've ever seen. As soon as they had their first drink, they were hauling tiny butt all over the coop. My remaining large hens have been kicked out of the main coop into the side stall-coop and we took out the roosts and fenced in a section for the new peeps. The hens can walk right by them and look as they go outside.

New partitions - we can easily move these out when we're done with the coop being a brooder room.

A boxed set! :)

They were running all over the place right away.

I'm not sure if I'm going to even set up a heater for them. It's so hot already. Even at night.
What a cool partition -- that is a good idea... is that some plastic netting used inside the boards? Or is it plastic coated tiny chicken wire? and are they 2x4's -- I think that idea is brilliant!
What a cool partition -- that is a good idea... is that some plastic netting used inside the boards? Or is it plastic coated tiny chicken wire? and are they 2x4's -- I think that idea is brilliant!

It is plastic chicken fencing from Home Depo (in the garden center). I had planned on using regular old chicken wire, but Dad put this on instead. I think it looks neater, though. When the hens get a little braver about walking past the scary new walls, I'm going to hang some of the plastic fencing from the ceiling so it will look more like a solid wall. My dark cornish and EE's tend to fly over everything. That should work for keeping the peeps inside when they get big enough to fly, too.
Hello everyone! :) New to BYC, currently have a small flock I am working on adding to. Two 8-10wk Cochin Bantams, then those quite a bit younger, 2 Silkies, 1 Crested Polish and 1 Tolbunt! I'm also home to 5 doggies, one husband, one toddler and a baby on the way! (7 weeks left!!). Located in Temple, TX!



LOL I'm just thrilled to have someone else from my town involved. As many peepers keepers as there are in Waco, I've never "met" one active on BYC. I've been an orphan for so long! Haha
LOL, but you have all of us other Texans as family:) You know how they say,,, and then there were two

Didn't bait the trap -- but this morning a raccoon managed to get itself caught.

Thought briefly about doing something with it -- taxidermy? -- and put off the killing - because if I wanted it 'stuffed' - then it would make a difference how nice the corpse was - right? -- Finally I decided to just kill it and throw it out to the buzzards - By the time I went out with my gun -- it has died of heat stroke. I'm sorry for it -- (it would be a completely un-marred specimine then wouldn't it -- no bullet hole in the head with the blood accompanying it. )--
sorry for the corpse pictures -- but there is a point here.... I have a weather station and the heat index is as high as 115. I put a shade over the top of the trap -- but since he was destined for shooting anyway I didn't water him. (kind of how would you do that without getting bitten anyway) --- The thermometer temp is 95.

So -- animals outside really can quickly die of heat stroke. Which is worse... firing squad or heat? dunno - and I do feel bad. So I'm ultra concerened by my chickens that are just a few feet away -- in these temperatures. Summer's here.
It's a shame such cute faces do so much damage. Glad you got 'em.

Hello everyone!
New to BYC, currently have a small flock I am working on adding to. Two 8-10wk Cochin Bantams, then those quite a bit younger, 2 Silkies, 1 Crested Polish and 1 Tolbunt! I'm also home to 5 doggies, one husband, one toddler and a baby on the way! (7 weeks left!!). Located in Temple, TX!

beautiful chickens there. Prayers for a safe delivery.
Hello everyone!
New to BYC, currently have a small flock I am working on adding to. Two 8-10wk Cochin Bantams, then those quite a bit younger, 2 Silkies, 1 Crested Polish and 1 Tolbunt! I'm also home to 5 doggies, one husband, one toddler and a baby on the way! (7 weeks left!!). Located in Temple, TX!

Welcome from Rosenberg! You ARE going to be busy, aren't you?? Praying for a safe delivery! Do you know what it is yet?
OMgoodness CHICKS and a REAL BABY! You must be all smiles!

Welcome to BYC and CONGRATS!

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