
Unfortunately, she is not close by (3 hour drive). But her mom and dad are AWESOME about brining her up to visit and I got to keep her for a week while they went on a trip and then a couple of long weekends. The rest of the time was me driving down to see them :D

She and I video chat every two weeks which is so cool!!
Hi I'm in the Texas hill country north of San Antonio. I'm from England, hence the name, and we just started with chickens last year. Currently have 6 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Ameraucanas (B/B split) all hens, no roosters atm.
Hi I'm in the Texas hill country north of San Antonio. I'm from England, hence the name, and we just started with chickens last year. Currently have 6 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Ameraucanas (B/B split) all hens, no roosters atm.

Welcome to Texas, BYC and chickens!
Hi I'm in the Texas hill country north of San Antonio. I'm from England, hence the name, and we just started with chickens last year. Currently have 6 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Ameraucanas (B/B split) all hens, no roosters atm.
Welcome to Texas
I'm SE of Austin. Orpingtons are my favorite breed
Welcome to America and more importantly to Texas!!! I live SW of Rosenberg.

Lisa...I can not for the life of me think of the user name for the guy who lives just a little further out from Houston than you.
Ive been MIA for a few months, but a few months back he was going to take a few of your birds....

Ill PM you.
Hi I'm in the Texas hill country north of San Antonio. I'm from England, hence the name, and we just started with chickens last year. Currently have 6 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Ameraucanas (B/B split) all hens, no roosters atm.
Welcome to BYC! For awhile there, I spent a lot of time near Vanderpool and Utopia. That is pretty country.

It sounds like you have a nice flock.

Also, It seems to me that England is so much more advanced in chicken keeping than the USA. One product Eglu - awfully expensive, but so great for small flocks and beginners. Looking forward to hearing more about your discoveries as a transplant from across the pond.
Howdy! I'm a new member from Paradise, Texas.. I have been reading info on this site for quite awhile now, and decided to join in the fun! My wife and I currently have a flock of 18 birds consisting of New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, and Black Australorps. Y'all have a great day !!

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