
Hi. My hubby and I live in Grand Prairie, but we have 17 acres near Hubbard, TX which is where we keep hoping to move.

That's part of why I'm here as well as many other gardening and small livestock forums. I'm trying to learn all I can before the move so we can figure out how to make some kind of living for me to make to supplement my hubby's paycheck or give us extra retirement money one day.

We haven't come up with a good plan yet, but I want to learn about raising chickens for egg and broiler iincome, maybe!

I'm absorbing all I can but to date, I am chickenless. All my present birds are parrots. They don't lay and I'd probably wring the neck of anyone who tried to eat them. :0)

Welcome to BYC, Connie. I used to live in Dallas myself and visited cousins in Grand Prairie all the time.

If you have a chance, get to the country as fast as you can. It is well worth it for the lifestyle.

Exploring all your options and asking questions on forums like this provides a wealth of information. Have you decided on what breeds you might want ?

Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart helps a lot when you are looking into egg production, temperment, etc.
Greetings from San Antonio. I have been "advised" by my better half that we are getting chickens
. So, as I am new to this, I have decided to begin finding out as much as possible. Great board and glad to see many from the Central TX area. I think I will have some questions even after reading the numerous past posts.
Hey guys im from south Texas and I just joined. I live in Cuero which is 30 mins from Victoria. Glad to see so many members from Texas. Also is there anyone near me that has any polish cresteds?

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