
Porter, Texas - Salute!!!

We are North of Houston about 25 or so miles from down town.

DH and I are almost finished with our coop/run. One more long weekend and the girls will be in their new home!

I was wondering if there was a thread for Texans or transplant Texans - LOL!

We have 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, & (my girls) 2 Orp Buffs, 3 Black Stars and 6 more chicks from the neighbor next door + 4 dogs and 2 Parrot fish in a 30 gallon tank.

We are very excited about being chicken owners and learning all we can from our BYC friends.
Welcome to BYC.

Cuero Pecan House - my favorite spot for the best pecans for many many years. Too bad the original owner had to sell.

No members in Cuero, but the following members are in Victoria:

texasgirl005 aka texasgirl

Check out the Buy, Sell, Trade section for crested birds. There may be someone in the San Antonio or Corpus area that has some.
hello not from texas but i am from west louisiana and you are the closest i have seen to me on BYC. how far is ldeal from la line? do you know anyone with a black jap rooster they would be willing to get rid of? someone close enough to me to go get it.
Welcome to BYC.

I got out my handy dandy Microsoft Streets and Trips and it is about 5 hours and 40 minutes from Leesville, La to Cameron, Tx where Ideal is located.

I see you found the Louisiana thread. Hope you can find someone close to you.

Also check the Buy, Sell, Trade section for your black Jap rooster.

Good luck.
Welcome to BYC.

I had never heard of Rye, so I looked it up. There is one in Brazos county near College Station. The other Rye is in Liberty county NE of Houston. Which is your family from ?

Maybe someone else is familiar with the town.
My family on Moms side come from Rye, which is close to Livingston, Cleveland and Liberty.

My grandparents had a small farm down there. Grandpa was a logger all of his life. I don't come down as much as I used to, but I sure have good memories of that little farm.

Born and raised in Conroe, TX, but raising chicks in East Dallas!

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005, and my husband is Class of '94.

We have one RIR, one Barred Rock and one Americauna.


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