
Ausie did you watch those you-tube vids on butchering chickens? There is some good ways to do it there.
Ill eventually work my way up past a couple of minutes into the video -_- just taking it one step at a time. Funny thing is I can watch National Geographic but I cant watch a chicken get processed.
This is the vidoe im trying to watch idk what everyone elses thought on doing it does but this one seem well liked.
just saying hi to all my chicky mommies out there. Hope everyone is doing good.
I am in Stephenville this weekend selling some chickens if we have any members in the group from here.
come on by and say HI.

Yea I saw those! She is really killing her softly! The whole time she's thanking the bird for giving its life so that she may live. DW and I say that's how our oldest will be when it comes time for her to process her 1st chicken!
Hi ... living near the Gulf Coast in Dickinson. New to BYC and raising chickens. I live in a subdivision and have only three 9 week old Buff Orpingtons. I want to thank all you chicken experts. Being a city girl, I have learned so much from this site. I've wanted chickens for at least 2 years and kept talking myself out of it, well this spring I did it and really happy I did. My girls are the sweetest things, very entertaining and I can't wait to get eggs. They have also brought me more company.... family and friends come to see my chickens.
Have a couple of questions... my chicks will be 3 month old in a couple of days and wondering at what age you can tell a rooster from a hen. One of my girls (Lordy I hope it's a hen) is a little different than the others, mostly in size and the way she walks with that head held really high. The other thing is I don't think this chick see too well. I can have a meal worm in my hand and she misses it everytime. I will have a red mark where she keeps pecking for the worm and missing. It's the same with bugs on my deck... she misses with her peck and loses out to the other two, who get it on their first try. I guess this isn't really a problem since she eats well from her feeder and water pucket. Just wondering if this is a normal thing. Thanks in advance...
I saw you pic of the silkies.. So cute. Looks like 2 white and 2 buffs. Am i right? I am jealous already. I need to give that guy a call in the ad to see if he still has some. You definitely need good comp and high speed Internet. Worth it. Your browser on the phone is probably like mine on the iPad, it doesn't give you the options to post them straight from your sims card. I have been told that if you go to photobucket and make you a free acct that you can put your pics on there and it will give you the URL so you can put them on here that way. Sorry to hear about your older chicken. It is one of the downfalls i dont like about having animals. Well, I went to the feedstore yesterday and couldn't pass up the chicks he had there. I got 2 barred rock, 2 rir and 2 americanas. They are 3 wks old. I think two of them will be roos now that I have had time to observe them well. So, I guess that means I won't have all silkies. Needed to satisfy my DH's need for decent sized eggs and laying hens. They are triple the size of the new sultan/game roosters chicks. Those are only a little over a wk old. So, I have them separate.

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