
Let me clarify, in case someone misunderstands. He doesn't mind me taking care of the critters I have, he just doesn't like me taking in strays or all my neighbor's injured animals.
Gamgam you gotta watch a video on you tube! Google "The natural history of chickens" there are 6 10min episodes or a full length 55 min vid its too funny to watch! DH will get a kick out of it as well!
Let me clarify, in case someone misunderstands.  He doesn't mind me taking care of the critters I have, he just doesn't like me taking in strays or all my neighbor's injured animals.  

I understand :) my DH does not want me to get anymore buy they don't affect him in anyway, I am the one that does all the care taking :)
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I will check it out ChickletteSarge. Not sure if I can get him to watch but I will.

Rachael, exactly the same around here. I honestly think he is jealous of the animals sometimes. He said that I will neglect my family and house to take care of an injured animal. Well, he is not starving and the house is not a mess. I mow the yard, cook, clean, wash the clothes, bathe the dogs and feed all the animals. What does he have to complain about? LOL Spoiled much???
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If I didn't work 80+ hrs a week I wouldn't mind helpin ya out! I need the practice.... ima have some to dispatch here soon. Sorry that you can't find anyone to help you. I watched like 20+ vids on u-tube on humane chicken slaughtering have you seen them? The guy slit their throats and then pokes their brain to quickly kill the bird. He was the only one that I saw poke the brain all the others just cut throats.
Well Im still having no luck finding someone to help butcher my chickens -_- guess its a lost cause.

Not sure if these can help but maybe they can point you in the right direction. You are in Houston right?

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Watched the video ChickletteSarge. I think hubby is scared I will be the lady with the silkie in a diaper. Grocery store and in the house. Wow, she has it bad. LOL. Good video though thanks.

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