
this thread is not even about Texas, its just about chickens, :tongue

I didnt think it was supposed to be "ABOUT" Texas. I did however "KNOW" that this was a place for TEXANS in Texas (and non Texans) to converse.
if talkin Texas is what you want start a convo, pick a topic and post it to the thread. I am sure that someone will talk Texas with you!

Hey ill start!

Who knows what a "TEXICAN" is? I am! My great great grand father faught in the Revoloution against Santa Anna!

Iodine on a q-tip swabbed in her mouth is what was recommended on the emergency forum. So, I hope that it was okay. I took the advice that I found on this site and others. I have been searching for places to buy fish zole or some of the other meds that are recommended for canker. I didn't give her any to drink and neither did I pour any in her beak. Just a swab. She is still eating bread okay. Just doesn't get enough crumbles. Still real active and no outward signs that she has it but it is there.
Well, from what I can find on the internet, bactrim is not going to work for canker. I will trying to find the correct meds tomorrow. Wish me luck.
If you still havent gotten it by the time you come to Houston the feed store i go to have it! THEY GOT A BUNCH OF IT!!!! Ive seen the fish zole behind the counter but i thought it was for koi ponds! Lol
Quality feed on North Main near I-45 good guys! The store has been open for EVER! Pm me if you will need directions.
Fish zole is for fish but it treats canker for chickens. It is what everyone says to use and to find it at a fish store. None of my fish stores have it. Flagyl and metronidazole are listed as well and several others. I found those online but don't want to pay 50 bucks for overnight. Fast shipping would still be 3-7 days and it is like 35 bucks. I believe most of the other canker meds are prescribed only. Some the US doesn't carry anymore. I will let you know if I can't find any tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know about the feed store. I might not have any choice but to pay high shipping or wait and get it in Houston. :mad:
I say wait and save the $$$ for gas! That stuff is SPENSIVE! Even though its dropped! Have you given ACV at all? That may help a bit? But im not sure....
i cant wait till tomorrow! I start Vet Tech school! So i could and will learn all the meds and suplements to give my chickens!
That and i will no longer have to work with people! Well not stooopid people! Cant stand GHETTO! Lol altho i live in one! Smh!:lol:
I am just worried that if I don't find any tomorrow then she will not have meds until I get home Fri night or Sat morning. That is a long time. She will probably be dead or really bad off then. I wish I had married an animal lover. Then I would have someone to treat them while I was gone. DH says not to spend the money on a 3 dollar chick. I tried to explain that I need to treat all of the chicks just to be sure. Even if I order it with 2-3 day shipping, it won't get here until Wed or Thursday. I have to treat them for 5-7 days in a row. Hopefully I find some tomorrow. If not, I will just get it in Houston since I won't be able to treat correctly while gone. No, I haven't started the AVC. The kind I have is not the correct one. I am going to try to find the right one tomorrow. I know that most recommend to give Acidified Copper Sulfate after your fish zole treatment. You just have to make sure you give the correct dose or it is toxic. Vet tech school sounds good. Then, I can come to you for some advice. If you don't know the answer, your teachers should. :woot
I need to upload some photos of my chicks. The sultan chicks are kinda weird looking. They have a lil tuff on top of their heads but not big like momma. They have the feathers on feet and legs. All have 5 toes except one. It has 4 on one foot and 5 on the other. I can see reddish/orange coming out in their feathers. I believe 3 out of the 8 are roos. The biggest one has some black feathers growing on his lower back and starting to show up in his tail. I know without a doubt he is a roo. They all like to be held except him. He is very flighty. Their father is a game bird of some sort. He is red and black. The other 6 are 2RIR, 2BR and 2 EEs sold as Ameracuana. They are EEs. Their colors are not recognized. My BRs are mean little things. They don't like to be held at all. They are hateful to all the sultan chicks even though they are only 3 wks younger than them. I have had them in the same coop for about 2wks now. Could be pecking order but I noticed today when they were all eating that the BRs would grab the sultans wing feathers and hold on if they got near. Before, it was only a light peck on the back to get away from the feed. This is only at feeding time. They don't do this with any of the other older chicks. The RIRs are sweet and so are the EEs. My favorite is Daisy the EE. She loves attention. I can't remember if I told you the names that my great-niece gave them. EEs- Daisy and Goofy, RIRs- Mickey and Minnie and BRs- Zebra and Matilda. I didn't care for Matilda but she wanted to name it Hyena(sp?). So Matilda it is. I believe one of the BR may be a roo but not sure about the other BR and Daisy the EE. Both BRs are starting to have really red combs. One comb is larger than the other one. Daisy the EE has the dark orange color but no red showing up in the shoulder area yet. Her comb isn't looking like any of the confirmed roos at her age. I think all the others are pullets. I haven't seen any mounting or crowing except for one sultan chick about a wk ago. He tried to mount another sultan chick. Haven't seen it since. He wasn't successful but he tried. I couldn't help laughing. :lau I hope all your chicks/chickens are doing good.
beauty and that doesnt surprise me at all lol some people do that with ibizans and their cousins in spain because after hunting season thousands are dumped or brutally murdered not all hunters are that way but enough that the shelters overflow =/ if i had the money i would do it one day i plan to go there and pick up a female to add blood into the US lines and try and bring some rescues back to the US for rehoming.
it really wasnt hard to get Rex here. To be honist... we want to bring more dogs over. Thanks to a group in vancouver canada there are more than 200 INdogs in homes there.

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