
How far are you transporting the leaves?

Get a tarp - as big as you want to mess with.
Rake all the leaves onto the tarp.
Fold tarp up and drag into the run.
That way you don't have to pick up the leaves twice and I don't like shoving into a bag, dragging and dumping if I don't have to. The leaf bags rip so easy when dragging.

I fill old feed bags - dog and chicken - with wood chips at the dump. Load them, drive home and then wheelbarrow the bags to the coop & garden beds.

If not very far, I would fill a garbage can before messing with big black bags. Increases the load volume of the wheelbarrow. Dragging a can or a wheelbarrow will be easier than futzing with bags that won't stay open.
Yuppers. Tarp is hands down the best method. The only down side is wind but, you know wind is the downside for leaves in every situation.
I was thinking sheet, as in bedsheets, that put me on another thought train.
Why are they called bed sheets? Any other type of sheet, sheet of glass, plywood, paper etc.... is defined. Where in our language do you use the word sheet by itself.
I'm going to buy sheets.
I automatically think for a bed. Any other time we specify.
Just random thoughts
I grew up enjoying grapefruit two ways.
Gramma Diamonds "secret way"... And the orange peel route...

All of them involved a sweet/sour-ish combo of flavor.... Sour like a hint of lime.
Never ever been able to peel grapefruit like an orange. Half slice section no sugar and eat. Sometimes a little salt
Dripped,sprinkled, sputtered, spit for 5 hours yesterday.
Less than 1/10th an inch. Same today, it did "rain" (I could hear it) for about 30 seconds. Still powder dry.
I have to say after living in Germany what you describe is a pizzley rain. The term does not exist in English. I will admit it pizzles a lot over there.
I want to hear more of Mrs Diamonds secret way too.
So, here is very nice display.

1) how it's cut
2) what the spoon looks like
3) sample showing how spoon is used

As for the "secret" she didn't want my brother or I to let our parents know she puts suger on it from time to time and showed us how to do it "just right" to be like a really, really juicy giant sweet tart.

I don't recall if it was a year or more later before Mom caught me doing it... And she asked just "why"...... Yeah, I'm still transparent for my Better-half.... Just couldn't hide that secret from Mom.

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