
We ended up here, much colder than I like it feels like a Mexicoke morning(Coca a la Mejicano):
View attachment 2448929
Well, that might as well be freezing! :gigmore like a

morning!!!! :yesss:
Well, that might as well be freezing! :gigmore like a
View attachment 2448939
morning!!!! :yesss:
I kinda have that plan get about 3+ liters of the hard stuff and then sleep my way through these cold spells, but the stores do not open until 10AM. I was in luck my corner store had Mexicoke in stock just they moved them again to pack in cases of the normal coke.:celebrate The Wrangler also gave me attitude about starting this morning. I might need to drop a screwdriver in its choke.
FWIW jeans are not easy to get into after wearing shorts for a few years. I really struggled today with those long cloth legs. They weren't tight or anything just long and twisty/bindy.
I use to wear shorts alot....until one day someone mentioned my bullet ridden, motorcycle wreak, stupid stumble over my 2 left feet accident, made me look like a Dr. Frankenstein experiment 'gone wrong'! :lau
I use to wear shorts alot....until one day someone mentioned my bullet ridden, motorcycle wreak, stupid stumble over my 2 left feet accident, made me look like a Dr. Frankenstein experiment 'gone wrong'! :lau
I'm just happy with impressing one person. When she tells me I have a cute bum it just makes my week.:gig
I am upset today with this article. It was in the WSJ on Friday. I would never denigrate an individual who has earned a PHD unless I had earned one myself. Especially not one processed by a military mother that was double duty. I know because my spouse served along side me for all of those years, wars and deployments. She made sure I always had a clean uniform to wear even when I was working 100 hours per week at home. She kept the cats fed and got our child to school and back again as well. I am just shaking my head at this. Some folks just don't get military service. Honestly in my wife's case there are just too many challenges she was forced to face to list. Car broken into, stolen, blah blah then the bureaucracy and MP's to deal with often she required my permission or signatures to act on her own(power of Attorneys became our go to to secure her independence). Also when you go shopping on base it takes about 5 minutes to get through the gates alone same for dropping your child off at school. There wasn't any bus service living on the economy in Germany. We did have it in Georgia but our girl went to public school back then for a year but it was beneath her skill levels even when placed in the genius level classes. DOD schools are incredibly challenging that was one big plus.

The end of my long rant is we got our child a proper education and her husbands dumb#uckery fixed at an early age. They both are high earners now in Germany because of their HS education and graduation standards. Germany usually does not recognize US education standards as acceptable. In all honesty I believe her husband was very unended when it was my combat boot kicking his bed for wakeup on the psych ward for fighting with his father the night prior we got him out of there pronto he never deserved a psych hold. They had been butting heads for months prior to this blowup. He then came to live with us for a peaceful and respectful year thereafter with bilateral parental consent. He knew and it was explained to him, his one job in life at that point was just to get good grades. Dude was so concerned when the drug dogs detected on him and they found a roach in his coat. You could not miss the fear in his eyes as I shot daggers from mine my job was just to provide moments of terror like these. Regardless one last small issue my wife had to face alone. Dealing with the school and the other parents involved.

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I was incredible mean today. I sent my chicken food thief out with a muzzle. She was so not pleased with the experience. She is back now and no chicken feed was eaten, however, I doubt it was a life lesson for her. She watched me refill the feed bin and got excited about being outdoors.

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