

Wow that looks really GREAT!!!!
Putting 6 Silver Sussex & 4 Speckled Sussex for us + 12 Barred Rock eggs, for another gentleman, in the bator today but having trouble keeping the temperature constant so wish us luck :fl
Putting 6 Silver Sussex & 4 Speckled Sussex for us + 12 Barred Rock eggs, for another gentleman, in the bator today but having trouble keeping the temperature constant so wish us luck

Wow hatching eggs? I am trying to thin out my flock. Sold some Barnevelders pretty quick on Cragislist. Not my Trisha babies, but another group. Now I have a trio of my Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks up on craigslist, see how will those do.
Rosewolf22002, I am so sorry for your loss! I never thought I would feel like my chickens are my kids but I do. My chicken pen is so poorly made but it is chainlink panels on 3 sides with 2 on the top and up against my shed. I just cover with plastic in the winter and have tin on the top. Certainly not what I prefer but it works and nothing can chew through it.
I apologize for not reading all 487 pages but it will give me something to do when I relax body and brain later. This thread is a great idea. I'm in Adina, Texas, a little northeast of Austin and I just picked up 8 Black Australorp day-old chicks yesterday. I feel like a new mom, hover, hover, hover.

Does anyone have good advice for how to acclimate a house pet (a 5-pound Maltese) to the chicks. She is extremely obsessed with watching them. She can't get "at" them but she can see them. When the chicks become hens, they will be bigger than she is. However, I don't want to constantly worry that she's going to attack them since dogs have no sense of size. Don't know whether the hens would protect themselves or just run. My reasoning is that eventually she'll tire of watching the little stinkers in the next 6-8 weeks. Am I all wet?
I doubt she will ever tire of wanting to get at those chickens. And maltese might be smaller than a grown hen but can still chase and kill one. I'm afraid you're going to have to either spend a LOT of time trying to train that one or forever keep her away from the chickens. There are threads on this site about training dogs around chickens in the Pests section.
Thanks, galanie. I found that pests section last night and did a lot of reading. I'll have to work on the situation. I don't let the Maltese out to "free-range" either because of the predators in our area so I'll always be there with them if they're together and Chloe is off the leash, which only happens when she's in a fence.

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