
he didn't make it thru the night. i'm so upset! I gave him vitamin water last night and pot a heat lamp close but not too close since he was so weak I thought the cold could only make him worse. I went out this morn and he had crossed over to chicken heaven. so I am now left with only one pair of isbars, as a hawk got other hen this summer. atleast he didn't suffer long. I feel like a horrible mom. thanks for asking...crying as I type.

Ah Hon you did all you could.

Last year I hatched out 10.. Most were from shipped eggs. Only ended up with one girl out of the bunch though.
I think they are easy to hatch.. You do need to weigh them once a week to see if they are losing the correct amount of weight or not. Other than that you can not candle them.. so you have no idea for certain if there is a live chick in there until the egg starts to wiggle or the chick starts to talk to you through the shell. These will be incubated for about 58 days and hand turned throughout.
My boys tend to be real sweethearts.. they love hugs. Rose, my female is more standoffish.. I think since she's the only girl that she thinks she's the princess of the land.

Thanks. Out of the 10 we gave away several and sold a few (just didn't need 9 boys running around). This year I am hoping for at least one more girl.

Where abouts in Texas are you, honey?

WHAT OATMEAL!! Chickens love it they sound like a bunch if mini jack hammers while eating lol :)

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