
By the way.. where do you ferment feed during the colder months?

the feed shed isn't heated.. neither are our back or front porches.. not sure if i could put it in the office or not..

Just a random thought... lol... bucket heaters? (thinking fish tank heaters actually since they don't get as hot as a bucket heater.. unless I was going to keep the buckets in a water filled stock tank outside.... hmmm... that's how maceration tanks work anyway)
What I did was buy the large cheap HEB brand ACV, then one small bottle of Bragg's. Poured the Bragg's evenly to the three containers of HEB ACV and let it sit for a week. When they all had a good amount of "mother", I would start using one, buy another cheap bottle put some into that and just keep it going. I feed down near my "green house" but water up near my house, so I have 1 bottle at each location with 2 getting ready at all times.

Scratch is the easiest to ferment, I use that fermented water over and over, just adding more scratch because I can keep the water over the top of that. However, on my feed, since I don't use the dual bucket method, I can not keep the water over the top of the feed, so I just make 2-3 days worth going in each one but staggered. then when it runs out, I clean the trash cans out real well and get the next batch going. I use more ACV doing it this way, but I don't have to worry so much about botulism (sp?).
By the way.. where do you ferment feed during the colder months?

the feed shed isn't heated.. neither are our back or front porches.. not sure if i could put it in the office or not..

Just a random thought... lol... bucket heaters? (thinking fish tank heaters actually since they don't get as hot as a bucket heater.. unless I was going to keep the buckets in a water filled stock tank outside.... hmmm... that's how maceration tanks work anyway)

Yep, I keep mine in our green house (it is not used for anything else, so might as well, LOL) and it stays pretty warm in there. Some people put it in their house. Were I live this winter it never really got cold so I think I could have just left it outside (if my dogs weren't such an issue) and it would have been fine.
Yes, sadly geese like to chew on things. Sticks, wires, you name it. A lady who posts on the goose thread had a favorite goose that electrocuted herself earlier this winter after chewing the wire on the pail warmer thingy they use up north to keep the water from freezing. They found her with her beak still attached to the wire but her feet blown out from under her and she was laid straight out. Kinda funny, but kinda sad, too. Another lady said her geese chewed all the wires under her truck one day - her husband was NOT amused. But, they are also so funny to watch and so incredibly smart. They have LONG memories so woe to the person who mistreats one. They may not be able to pay you back today, but a year from now they will have their revenge! I raise Giant Dewlap Toulouse. I only have two ganders right now, but will be getting some goslings this spring so I can raise them some girlfriends and get a regular gaggle going. My two boys are named Atticus and Finch, and some day I hope to at least have a Scout and Calpernia. As you can see, I am a major "To Kill a Mockingbird" fan! Here is a picture of my boys.
Absolutely fascinating information. Don't know much about geese other than I've run into a few mean ones in parks and such. Now I know what to expect and do to prevent problems in case we ever get some.
I'll have to check the Heinz.. never saw any that wasn't pasteurized. Is it labeled differently that you know of?
The unfiltered, unpastuerized Heinz ACV is pretty new - maybe 4 months or so. The label actually says "New" on it, since all they've ever had normally is the regular stuff. Looks very similar to the regular bottles though, so you have to look. But it's a couple bucks cheaper/bottle than the Braggs.

When I buy it, I buy a bunch, since it is very popular and the shelves are often bare most of the month, so gotta get it while they have it. I think there must be other chicken people that go to the same grocery stores that I do. :)

The cashiers always think I'm weird buying tons of ACV and kale.
Apple Cider Vinegar, if you get it with the "mother" in it, it has a lot of beneficial digestive properties. Mother is basically the thick slimy stuff in raw ACV, if your ACV it totally clear it does not have it in it.

You often see it abbreviated AVC instead of ACV for some reason, too.

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