
I have a planter with mint in it that is home to an ant colony. :/ I don't want to use pesticide in it since I eat the mint and so do the neighbour's kids. Other things (not sure what) ate it this past summer too. I haven't found anything that does not like mint. Marigolds are supposed to be a good deterrent too, but mine always get eaten. I have read the horse apples are great for keeping pests away. They are all over the ground right now up here in N. Tx.

That's weird! I've had mint and basil before planted and nothing ever munched on them. They actually flourished so much that we had to start using them more so the pot wouldn't start overflowing, haha! That is, until the chickens learned about them. The birds just destroyed them by scratching through the dirt and tearing them up. It was awful! I really want to look into that Florida mint and see if it's as good as they say. And to make sure that the chickens don't get into the dirt, I'm planning on using some river rock gravel all around the plants. I've read from others that the chickens don't like scratching through it because it feels weird under their feet.

A beautiful morning out! The stars are really bright and it is 59 degrees!

Laura I think it is GREAT that you are spoiling your mom. Keep it up!!

Ya'll have a great day!

Lisa :)

You gotta spoil your mama if you want to keep the good energy flowing! If I had denied her good coffee, who knows what could have happened. The house would have shaken, the doors would have rattled, my roosters would have all started crowing at once, and the hens would have popped out eggs in fear! Goodness!
Has anyone made kale "chips"? I tried but they turned into kale powder. :(

I'll check out the spaghetti squash recipes. I still have five (or 6) more out in the garden...or the jungle that has become my garden. I still have two watermelons, a ton of peppers and my tomatoes are blooming like CRAZY.

We are expecting some low temps tomorrow night. I'll water really well today and put sheets out over the crops tomorrow. I have heard that when a plant freezes that you should was off the frost with water because its the reflection from the sun on the ice crystals that kills the plant. Now, I do not believe this is true. Maybe someone else with more experience can explain if this IS true.
You gotta spoil your mama if you want to keep the good energy flowing! If I had denied her good coffee, who knows what could have happened. The house would have shaken, the doors would have rattled, my roosters would have all started crowing at once, and the hens would have popped out eggs in fear! Goodness!
I think somebody has put the 'fear of the mom' in you. Good for her! Spoil her rotten for me!

Lisa :)
I too wish all Veterans a good Veterans Day and a Thank You for your service.

I added photos to my previous post but here they are again. This guy needs a home. Can't be shown but a nice fellow for some Gold in your yard.




I don't know much about showing, so I am curious...why aren't you able to show him?
He is beautiful!
That's weird! I've had mint and basil before planted and nothing ever munched on them. They actually flourished so much that we had to start using them more so the pot wouldn't start overflowing, haha! That is, until the chickens learned about them. The birds just destroyed them by scratching through the dirt and tearing them up. It was awful! I really want to look into that Florida mint and see if it's as good as they say. And to make sure that the chickens don't get into the dirt, I'm planning on using some river rock gravel all around the plants. I've read from others that the chickens don't like scratching through it because it feels weird under their feet.
Our chickens ate and trampled through our vegetable gardens, eating lots of tender young greens. So we've fenced in our veggie gardens, and now we have special pots full of baby chard and spinach (from seed) just for them. We've put tomato cages around the pots we don't want them to touch.
I don't know much about showing, so I am curious...why aren't you able to show him?
He is beautiful!
He has a side sprig. That is an automatic Disqualification and why he should not be used to breed show birds. Also, due to an accident, he's slightly lame. He'll live and love a good long time like that, but I'm raising SOP breeder birds and just can't use him.

Usually I knock them off and eat culls. But I just waited too long to do that to this guy and he's just ... I just can't. If anyone close enough to pick him up wants to, that' ok with me. I just hope his end is humane. Even better is if he has some girls to love.
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That's weird!  I've had mint and basil before planted and nothing ever munched on them.  They actually flourished so much that we had to start using them more so the pot wouldn't start overflowing, haha!  That is, until the chickens learned about them.  The birds just destroyed them by scratching through the dirt and tearing them up.  It was awful!  I really want to look into that Florida mint and see if it's as good as they say.  And to make sure that the chickens don't get into the dirt, I'm planning on using some river rock gravel all around the plants.  I've read from others that the chickens don't like scratching through it because it feels weird under their feet. 

Our chickens ate and trampled through our vegetable gardens, eating lots of tender young greens.  So we've fenced in our veggie gardens, and now we have special pots full of baby chard and spinach (from seed) just for them.  We've put tomato cages around the pots we don't want them to touch.
I learned that fast! They will indeed tear the hell out of a vegetable garden! They LOVE LOVE LOVE Chard too. I had some growing last year that I fenced off just close enough that they could still eat it, they just couldnt' kill the plants.
I'm making some raised beds and am going to plant them with all sorts of chicken delicacies just for them to gobble.
I figure I'll have to cover them with wire or something to let the plants get well established. I've got alfalfa, clover, chard, kale, spinach, mixed leaf lettuce, bok choy, and an assortment of herbs that chickens are supposed to go nuts for and are good for them. Of course, since I'll be planting it with the intention of them eating all they want, the contrary creatures probably won't touch it.

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