
My husband was sent home today, he's doing great now that they got the codeine out of his system
It's been raining here all day, we lost 2 hens 2 nights in a row, the 3rd night the dogs & I ran out & I found 1 on the ground but alright, caught her & put her in a coop for the night, got the live trap set & last night was awakened by screaming chickens, ran out at 1am found a pullet with all her tail feathers pulled out & her back started on, I was able to catch her, checked the trap & there was a raccoon in it!, when I ran out the door with the 2 dogs the raccoon must have run in the trap trying to get away from the dogs
awakened again at 2:30am this time I had 3 hens on the ground that I had to catch & put in coops for the rest of the night. There must have been 2 raccoons together & the other one came back
A friend came & got the raccoon & left me 2 more traps, so I have 3 traps set up, hopefully there will something in at least one of them in the morning
I am so sorry you lost some birds. Glad you caught one of the raccoons. Hope you got the rest.

Glad to hear your husband is doing better. It is so awesome of him to donate a kidney like that.

Beautiful cake!!! Have a wonderful time visiting with the chicken man! I suggest you tie your hands behind your back when you get there, or lock your doors and crack your car window a smidgen and DON'T get out. :)

Lisa :)
Thank you. :) I am saving the second layer to make a neapolitan cake. I have 2 layers of it in the freezer. I just need to make the white cake to get it assembled. :) Maybe I will do that for Easter.

I know better than to try and bring anything home with me. I'd really like a goat but I can't have one here. Unless I could pass it off as a dog. :p He has dwarf Nigerian milk goats. Not sure what breeds of chickens he has. I just know there are several kinds.

It's cloudy and chilly this morning. We didn't get much rain at all here. I need to go and look at my rain gage still, but I bet we didn't even get 1/10". :( It is so dry. I read we may be having an El Nino year this year so fall and winter will be wet. We just need to make it through this a dry spring and summer. Hopefully things change and we get a wet spring. Really wet. The lakes are super low.

I have some questions about building my coop, but I'll have to ask them later. I need to get ready for church now. Time got away from me (again!).
I thinks I read in one of your post that you have a spreadsheet showing locations of texas members. I am from panhandle/southplains (halfway betwee Lubbock and Amarillo) and would love to find some nearby members. Would go thru all post but there are currently over 2300 of them. Texas is such a large, diverse state that requirements and suggestions really vary. I have located one member just outside of Lubbock and she has been so great and informative. Anyway, since I am a newbie, any suggestions are welcome.

I thinks I read in one of your post that you have a spreadsheet showing locations of texas members. I am from panhandle/southplains (halfway betwee Lubbock and Amarillo) and would love to find some nearby members. Would go thru all post but there are currently over 2300 of them. Texas is such a large, diverse state that requirements and suggestions really vary. I have located one member just outside of Lubbock and she has been so great and informative. Anyway, since I am a newbie, any suggestions are welcome.

Here is a link to the map. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msi...=31.503629,-98.898926&spn=10.481903,19.753418
Hello form Cut-N-Shoot, TX. This is the real name of the town. I always get 'Really?? That's the name of the town???" I just joined the forum, and am having a blast. I have a Barred Plymouth Rock, a Buff Orpington, 2 Americaunas (1 large, 1small), and 5 Rhode Island Reds. All but 2 of the reds are laying. Looking forward to meeting all fellow Texas bird lovers.
Hello form Cut-N-Shoot, TX. This is the real name of the town. I always get 'Really?? That's the name of the town???" I just joined the forum, and am having a blast. I have a Barred Plymouth Rock, a Buff Orpington, 2 Americaunas (1 large, 1small), and 5 Rhode Island Reds. All but 2 of the reds are laying. Looking forward to meeting all fellow Texas bird lovers.

Welcome from Tyler Texas

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