
Good morning yall!!! new chick question. My second set of hatchlings are due at the end of this month....Here in our great state of Texas, what are the typical vaccines we should be administering and other new chick procedures as far as medical goes?

Waiting to see the answer on this.
I think a lot of people don't vaccinate.

They are going to mix it all up scratching it around anyway so I don't think it will matter which goes first.
Very true!

I found this recipe for an all natural coop cleaner that also kills bugs. I'm going to make some.
I have recipes for more than just food. Imagine that! ;) :)
Last night a dear friends son was life flighted to the ER. He had been smoking “K2” or “Synthetic marijuana” or “Kush” what ever you want to call it. He had a seizure and his heart stopped. They live in a very rural area of East Texas and it took a while for life flight to get there. He was resuscitated but is in a coma at this time.

People, please have a talk with your loved ones and pass this story along to them. This crap is illegal but is still sold in convenience stores (all over Houston) as incense and people are smoking it. Marijuana is still illegal in Texas so people buy that K2 stuff to smoke because it is cheaper and safer to buy. I am not saying the kid should have been smoking pot instead of K2 but no one has ever overdosed or been in a coma from smoking marijuana.

Please pray for my friends to be strong and their son to have a good recovery. His name is Garret.


Actually I decided on a RED one. lol! 3 silkies it is. :)

I've been reading while trying to work today. Guess which one is winning. :p I found an article on sexing chicks. It you can sex them as day olds you have the best chance of getting it right. See #3 in this article.

I've also been reading on the benefits of herbs. I'm going to be brewing tea for my chickens and I am also going to make little sashes for the brooder.
I think herbs are on sale at Calloway's/Cornelius this week. I've been waiting for the sale to stock up for the yard again. Chef Jeff Veggies and fruit are 30% off tomorrow, hoping that means herbs too. I'll get my tomates and spaghetti squash too.
You've gotta let me know about he tea thing, I'm interested.
I ordered a bunch of herbs from Horizon Herbs in the fall, but didn't plant some until JUST before the last ice..I'll have to start my Chamomile and Calendula all over again.
Of course out of the medicinals I have, I don't know how many would be ok for chickens...

Thanks a ton. That's just exactly NOT what I needed to see. Now instead of chicken math I've got to do living expense math and see if I can afford another coop. Ugh
I've hear/seen some pretty bad reviews about these falling apart FAST. I think you're better off getting a simple one built, like you said :)

I came across this today and got a chuckle out of it. I don't think I could ever eat a silkie.
I'm pretty adventurous. But we decided when I got them, that the Silkies would be strictly pets.
Those are my daughters, I wanted her to have a constant. :)

Good morning yall!!! new chick question. My second set of hatchlings are due at the end of this month....Here in our great state of Texas, what are the typical vaccines we should be administering and other new chick procedures as far as medical goes?

I think vaccinating chickens is almost like vaccinating children...lol. So many different views.
I can tell you that I, personally had mine vaccinated for Mareks, but that's all of the medication they've had. I do un-medicated feed an non of mine have needed any medical treatment, yet
I was reading the ingredients in the Texas Naturals feeds. They all have DE in them. I'm not sure I want to use this feed now. I know a lot of people say DE is great stuff for prevent all kinds of things, but a lot also say to stay away from it too. I don't want to use something that can irritate my lungs or the chickens lungs.

The food probably won't do that, but I won't use it in the dust bath or coop. I wouldn't use in the coop anyway since I am using the DL method. I'll use wood ash in the dust bath, that will kill any lice. I think we have a bad flea problem here due to all the squirrels. how do you keep those away?

So, I am not sure what to feed now. I can always try the Coyote Creek Farms organic food. I'll have to read what their ingredients are.

What are your thoughts on DE?

Okay, here's my take on DE in feed--it is better than the alternative, which is chemical pesticides. My understanding (from a long-time feed store owner) is that those bug free bags come at a price--either with chemicals or DE. I would choose DE rather than a pesticide. I'm not sure if the feed store owner is correct--that they currently use chemicals to keep feed bug free--NOW, but I believe they did in the past.
Sure looks different from a "regular" chicken!
Silkie meat, without the skin, isn't that different looking from free range chicken as you would think. Yes, the bones are black. Yes there are very, very thin sheets of black pigmented meat, especially where the meat lays against a bone. I always used it in a curry--they were my babies after all!--to try to disguise the meat. I can post a picture of the carcasses if you want.
Waiting to see the answer on this.
I think a lot of people don't vaccinate.
Okay, here's my protocol:

I vaccinate for Laryngotracheitis using TISSUE culture, not the old "hot" chick embryo culture which is illegal in Texas. This is a disease that if you have it, every single one of your birds is culled by the state at your expense. It won't matter if you have a champion that tests clear--it gets killed along with the rest of your flock.

I will vaccinate for fowl pox after all the chicks are hatched. I show, and although fowl pox is more an inconvenience than a threat to their health, it disfigures a bird's face for months, so I could miss a show. It is mosquito borne.

I will also vaccinate for Mareks. I haven't yet, even my new chicks. I've been dealing with too many different pens of birds I've just put it off. I will before these chicks set foot on the ground outside. Mareks is everywhere. The vaccine doesn't prevent the disease, just makes it less an issue, I believe. Once I get around to vaccinating my new chicks, I'll vaccinate last year's birds that weren't vaccinated at hatch. I spoke to the manufacturer's vet about my vaccination protocol for all these vaccines.
I read this on the Fermented Feed thread....

Originally Posted by chickengirl1193 

A few months ago I was going crazy trying to find a good organic non gmo feed that wasnt going to cost me an arm and a leg to get shipped here. Then I decided to try the organic feed at my feed store and it was $38 for 50 lbs. And I was unimpressed with the quality of the feed and the eggs. And I came to the conclusion that people have been feeding non organic for years and years with no ill effects and I'm not going to drive myself crazy and spend tons of money for mediocre feed. Plus I would rather feed my chickens naturally with free ranging.Now I feed southern states all grain for $15/50 lbs and I ferment it and they love it and are doing great! And now that the snow is melting they will get most of their food from free ranging. And also from what I will be growing in my garden.

Thats just my opinion and I respect anybody that can afford a good organic feed, but for me the only feed available was way over priced and not any better than the conventional feeds

I'm just going to use the Texas Naturals feed.  It's local, a good price and non-gmo. 

One less thing to stress over now.  :)  I'm getting there!

I'm going to pick up a bag of starter today and get it fermenting.  I may have a chick coming next week. :eek:  

I feed H & H, check it out: http://handhpoultry.com/SoyFree_ChickenFeed.html :) I also do ff
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Last night a dear friends son was life flighted to the ER. He had been smoking “K2” or “Synthetic marijuana” or “Kush” what ever you want to call it. He had a seizure and his heart stopped. They live in a very rural area of East Texas and it took a while for life flight to get there. He was resuscitated but is in a coma at this time.

People, please have a talk with your loved ones and pass this story along to them. This crap is illegal but is still sold in convenience stores (all over Houston) as incense and people are smoking it. Marijuana is still illegal in Texas so people buy that K2 stuff to smoke because it is cheaper and safer to buy. I am not saying the kid should have been smoking pot instead of K2 but no one has ever overdosed or been in a coma from smoking marijuana.

Please pray for my friends to be strong and their son to have a good recovery. His name is Garret.



A parent's worst nightmare--I am so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you, your friends and Garret.

There by the grace of God, go I.

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