
Last night a dear friends son was life flighted to the ER. He had been smoking “K2” or “Synthetic marijuana” or “Kush” what ever you want to call it. He had a seizure and his heart stopped. They live in a very rural area of East Texas and it took a while for life flight to get there. He was resuscitated but is in a coma at this time.

People, please have a talk with your loved ones and pass this story along to them. This crap is illegal but is still sold in convenience stores (all over Houston) as incense and people are smoking it. Marijuana is still illegal in Texas so people buy that K2 stuff to smoke because it is cheaper and safer to buy. I am not saying the kid should have been smoking pot instead of K2 but no one has ever overdosed or been in a coma from smoking marijuana.

Please pray for my friends to be strong and their son to have a good recovery. His name is Garret.



Our prayers are going out for Garret and family.
Where did you find the ingredients on the CCF? I can't find them on their site. I don't want to feed soy, even if it is organic. Texas Naturals also has fish as a protein source.
Go to Coyote's home page and click on feed mill. Scroll all the way down, middle of the page you will see "more information". Click on Our certified organic feed products. It will take you to a page listing all their feed. You can click on the ones you want to look at. A window will pop up with the ingredients listed.
Took me a while to find it myself.

I feed H & H, check it out: http://handhpoultry.com/SoyFree_ChickenFeed.html
I also do ff

H&H sounds good. Is it very crumbly? The pic looks like it has a lot of crumbles in it, but hard to tell. My problem is the nearest distributor is over 150 miles away. :( It would be closer for me to go to Louisiana and get the S&P feed.

I'll probably just stick with Texas Naturals until my chickies get to laying age. Depending on the price of the Coyote soy free layer, may switch them to that.
good afternoon fellow peeper keepers. Have been reading some earlier posts and have a couple of questions.
What is DE that is spoken of in feed.
I have a fireplace...I read about wood ash to help with lice, can I use what comes from my fireplace? We only burn hard wood. Can I put it in the chicken yard?
I was thinking that when we mow the grass (no fertilizer or chemicals here) that I could let all my birds out to free range for bugs and grass...is this a bad idea? Thanks Magpie
good afternoon fellow peeper keepers. Have been reading some earlier posts and have a couple of questions.
What is DE that is spoken of in feed.
I have a fireplace...I read about wood ash to help with lice, can I use what comes from my fireplace? We only burn hard wood. Can I put it in the chicken yard?
I was thinking that when we mow the grass (no fertilizer or chemicals here) that I could let all my birds out to free range for bugs and grass...is this a bad idea? Thanks Magpie

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade only) is used for mite and lice control on chickens. It is also used in the feed to preven weevils and used to help dry up chicken poo.

Wood ash is great (from what I hear) for chicken dusting. Free ranging is a chickens dream life, lol. I would like to free range, but we have hawks so have to wait and see.

Just called the local feed stores. There are 2 that carry the Coyote Creek feed close to me. One only carries the Layer mash, and the other carries the layer mash but will order any of the other types you need for no extra charge. You just have to let them know before order day how much you need. Price of the CC feed is $40.00 for 50# compared to $25.00 for 50# of Texas Naturals.

Something I have to think about.
Diatomaceous Earth (food grade only) is used for mite and lice control on chickens. It is also used in the feed to preven weevils and used to help dry up chicken poo.

Wood ash is great (from what I hear) for chicken dusting. Free ranging is a chickens dream life, lol. I would like to free range, but we have hawks so have to wait and see.

Just called the local feed stores. There are 2 that carry the Coyote Creek feed close to me. One only carries the Layer mash, and the other carries the layer mash but will order any of the other types you need for no extra charge. You just have to let them know before order day how much you need. Price of the CC feed is $40.00 for 50# compared to $25.00 for 50# of Texas Naturals.

Something I have to think about.
Thank you henless! What about the "after mow" free ranging? Glad to know about the DE I can't stand the chemicals dusts. Would have to wear a mask. So for birds to endure that stuff is unthinkable and I don't see me putting a mask on a chicken. lol My book Fresh Eggs Daily is awesome. Will be growing many more herbs this year. Didn't know white vinegar was such a good bug killer.
Our prayers are going out for Garret and family.

A parent's worst nightmare--I am so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you, your friends and Garret.

There by the grace of God, go I.
This hits close to home for me because I have been through this same thing and lost a son. Not from drugs but a car wreck.

Thanks for all your prayers.
Okay, here's my take on DE in feed--it is better than the alternative, which is chemical pesticides. My understanding (from a long-time feed store owner) is that those bug free bags come at a price--either with chemicals or DE. I would choose DE rather than a pesticide. I'm not sure if the feed store owner is correct--that they currently use chemicals to keep feed bug free--NOW, but I believe they did in the past.
That is a god take on it. :)

Okay, here's my protocol:

I vaccinate for Laryngotracheitis using TISSUE culture, not the old "hot" chick embryo culture which is illegal in Texas. This is a disease that if you have it, every single one of your birds is culled by the state at your expense. It won't matter if you have a champion that tests clear--it gets killed along with the rest of your flock.

I will vaccinate for fowl pox after all the chicks are hatched. I show, and although fowl pox is more an inconvenience than a threat to their health, it disfigures a bird's face for months, so I could miss a show. It is mosquito borne.

I will also vaccinate for Mareks. I haven't yet, even my new chicks. I've been dealing with too many different pens of birds I've just put it off. I will before these chicks set foot on the ground outside. Mareks is everywhere. The vaccine doesn't prevent the disease, just makes it less an issue, I believe. Once I get around to vaccinating my new chicks, I'll vaccinate last year's birds that weren't vaccinated at hatch. I spoke to the manufacturer's vet about my vaccination protocol for all these vaccines.
How hard it is to vaccinate a chick? I've never given a shot to anything before. Can you get these at the feed store, Or do I need to take them to the vet?

good afternoon fellow peeper keepers. Have been reading some earlier posts and have a couple of questions.
What is DE that is spoken of in feed.
I have a fireplace...I read about wood ash to help with lice, can I use what comes from my fireplace? We only burn hard wood. Can I put it in the chicken yard?
I was thinking that when we mow the grass (no fertilizer or chemicals here) that I could let all my birds out to free range for bugs and grass...is this a bad idea? Thanks Magpie
This was already answered for you but I want to add that the wood ash should be chemical free. Don't use lighter fluid or something similar to get the wood burning.
I plan on making a dust bath area using sandy soil mixed with wood ash. I've decided against using DE in the coop since it is such a lung irritant.
I posted on emergencies/disease but I thought y'all might be able to help.

We've had so much trouble with our last order of chicks its almost gotten to the point of ridiculous.

Our 1 week old Turken has something going on. Its always appeared 'round' to us, like a golf ball, something just didn't look right. We noticed today it appears round and swollen at the back end. The 'mass' feels exactly like a full crop. The chick is full of energy, running around like its healthy as can be. The vent IS NOT blocked, we watched it pass stool, a normal amount, normal consistency.

Any ideas?

Last night a dear friends son was life flighted to the ER. He had been smoking “K2” or “Synthetic marijuana” or “Kush” what ever you want to call it. He had a seizure and his heart stopped. They live in a very rural area of East Texas and it took a while for life flight to get there. He was resuscitated but is in a coma at this time.

People, please have a talk with your loved ones and pass this story along to them. This crap is illegal but is still sold in convenience stores (all over Houston) as incense and people are smoking it. Marijuana is still illegal in Texas so people buy that K2 stuff to smoke because it is cheaper and safer to buy. I am not saying the kid should have been smoking pot instead of K2 but no one has ever overdosed or been in a coma from smoking marijuana.

Please pray for my friends to be strong and their son to have a good recovery. His name is Garret.



Totally adding Garret to my list. One thing I have read and understand about addictions is that is starts little or mild but the urges increase. Often marijuana just doesn't cut it after a while. The user needs more and goes for harder stuff. Kids are using all sorts of things to fill that need for a bigger rush or whatever it is they crave. Sadness-when a personal relationship with Jesus would take that all away.

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