
I like your Texas flag avatar too. Once I wrote an article at work about the 3 flags we hang outside the company. The custodian in charge of hanging the flags daily told me that there were times he accidently hung the TX flag upside down and people called in the company to report this. This was when he learned that the Red portion is Down as blood is always flowing down. I pointed out to him that we can easily observe the 5 corner star and know whether it's upside down or not.
Ummmm I have a chicken that is either having an issue or organizing a coup. She is putting up a major racket. I checked her vent and its fine...shes eating and acting fine other than the fuss. She keeps getting in the nesting boxes and is really fussing....I thought maybe something had gotten in the coop but it's empty of anything but chickens....I thought maybe she was getting ready to lay but the others seem to have joined her uprising song so WHAT is going on!?!?
Ok pretty sure my husband has lost it. Here is how our phone call just went.

Hubby: has humming bird came up to feeders yet?

Me: I aint seen them yet!

Hubby: great they lied to me and now the humming bird mofia is gonna take u out to try and get to me for not putting them up quicker.

Me: ok james u have been alone on that milk truck way to long and u done flipped ur lid.

Lmbo I think it is time to lock him away in closet for awhile.

How many beers did he have?
It's easy. I did it in Houston :)
And I have a friend who does it.
There's a cottage bakery law that protects you, as long as you don't sell in farmers markets or to stores. It basically has to be literally out of your home.
Just look up "Texas Cottage Bakery Law"
How many beers did he have?
Soooo now I feel like an EGGHEAD! My girls were apparently havin an egg layin party and I didnt get the memo! Everything quieted down so I went out and had 3 eggs all at once! Whew! Happy to know my girls have an egg laying support group!
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Good morning. Anyone else here have a 10 y/o girl that seems very hormonal? Ya, love hearing her get mad at her siblings and break down crying at 6 am!

On a happier note, my sons baseball team won his division championship.

Thank y'all for complimenting on my avatar. (Sp?) I think it was on my friends post on Facebook.
I need more coffee.
Hello and welcome from Central Texas.

I have a 9 year old that must have started this early. We can put them in a room together, lock the door, and take bets???

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