
Do you add acv too?
I wanted to start awhile ago but never got around to it because it seemed complicated...but I have feed, water, a cooler with lid, and ACV with the mother, if that matters...

The only time I use ACV is on the first batch to give it a jump start. After it gets going I add back the dry feed I use every couple of days.
@Starfire669 says two of the ducks she purchased from me, yesterday, are laying eggs. One laid an egg here just before they were loaded up & on the road...but now she's witnessed another one lay an egg.
Looks like I was wrong about our White Leghorn, Fred, being our trusty layer. I had a feeling all of our pullets were too young to lay, but the eggs were small enough I doubted they belonged to any of the ducks.

I'm glad we've still got half a carton of eggs left over from when the ducks were ours. I guess we'll have to enjoy them a little more, now that we won't be getting anymore fresh eggs for a little while.

- TieDyeMommy

PS: Had I known there were TWO layers among the Quackers, I should have charged more. LOL
The ducks have been all over exploring. The front yard, they napped under the catnip, then off to the back yard to swim and play, then nap by my aloe vera plant, now back to the front yard.

You've got more fun stuff in your yard than we do (at the moment). Looking into chicken friendly plants for their yard, as well as various things to roost upon & play with. I picked up some DE, Oyster Shells & Worms from the feed store, today...the ladies LOVED the worms! I hope they'll soon realize they're safe & loved with us. Also put a golf ball in the nesting box I'd placed in their coop...even though I appear to have no layers, it's good to get them used to the sight for when they come of age. Right?

- TieDyeMommy
You dont need anything special. You can ferment your regular feed. All you need is a bucket with a loose fitting lid or an ice chest works well too. Just put your feed in it, cover the feed with water, stir it up a couple times a day and in a couple of days you will smell the fermentation.

Good to know!

I was wondering about this too.

- TieDyeMommy
says two of the ducks she purchased from me, yesterday, are laying eggs.  One laid an egg here just before they were loaded up & on the road...but now she's witnessed another one lay an egg.  :eek:   Looks like I was wrong about our White Leghorn, Fred, being our trusty layer.  I had a feeling all of our pullets were too young to lay, but the eggs were small enough I doubted they belonged to any of the ducks.

I'm glad we've still got half a carton of eggs left over from when the ducks were ours.  I guess we'll have to enjoy them a little more, now that we won't be getting anymore fresh eggs for a little while.  :p

- TieDyeMommy

PS: Had I known there were TWO layers among the Quackers, I should have charged more.  LOL  ;)

Lol. Probably should gave. But since both of us were clueless I guess it is what it is. I was not expecting the ducks to lay for a couple of days adjusting to their new home. I was shocked finding 2 eggs under Daisy. There was a very noticeable difference in egg size. Ebony and Daisy were the only ducks in that corner for 2 hours so it could only be them laying. I was thinking Ivory might lay, since Howard had bred her, but nope she hasn't yet.

Oh and after laying Daisy "mated" Ebony. So there is some dominance behavior going on as well!

I was told that my new geese were very pretty, especially the black one! It was all I could do not to burst out laughing! Do the long legs and necks of the geese, or the ducks quacking not give it away? Much less the fact that there is NO black domestic geese?! :gig
You've got more fun stuff in your yard than we do (at the moment).  Looking into chicken friendly plants for their yard, as well as various things to roost upon & play with.  I picked up some DE, Oyster Shells & Worms from the feed store, today...the ladies LOVED the worms!  I hope they'll soon realize they're safe & loved with us.  Also put a golf ball in the nesting box I'd placed in their coop...even though I appear to have no layers, it's good to get them used to the sight for when they come of age.  Right?  :confused:

- TieDyeMommy

Make sure the DE is food grade!
Lol. Probably should gave. But since both of us were clueless I guess it is what it is. I was not expecting the ducks to lay for a couple of days adjusting to their new home. I was shocked finding 2 eggs under Daisy. There was a very noticeable difference in egg size. Ebony and Daisy were the only ducks in that corner for 2 hours so it could only be them laying. I was thinking Ivory might lay, since Howard had bred her, but nope she hasn't yet.

Oh and after laying Daisy "mated" Ebony. So there is some dominance behavior going on as well!

I was told that my new geese were very pretty, especially the black one! It was all I could do not to burst out laughing! Do the long legs and necks of the geese, or the ducks quacking not give it away? Much less the fact that there is NO black domestic geese?!

Ha-ha! Sounds like they are really coming into their own at your place. I'm so glad!

- TieDyeMommy

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