
I really hope that the Cayugas are smaller than Pekin. It's 1 of many reasons I picked them as companions and breeders for Ebony and us. If the drake is just as big I will have the same problems as I had with Howard and Ebony.
Tomorrow when I am around wifi I will post pictures that I took today. I think that you picked ok. My Cauyga seems to have slowed down in growth and is more like the largest mallard in size and body type. The Pekins are much bulkier and just are a bigger bird in general I think.
Welcome all the new people. So we got alot of rain last night and it looks like we may get some more today. I am so glad cause my garden can use it. I want to thank all the vets who faught for out freedom and offer a moment of silence for the ones who didnt make it. As for my chickens well I was gonna work on chicks coop today but the rain says I aint . So I guess I will just have to find me something else to do today lol
i hear ya the only reason i agreed to adopt the bantam hen\rooster pair i have now is because my flock was missing a rooster. I was so spoiled to seeing how my grams roosters treated their ladys that i thought all roosters acted like little gentlemen little did i know.:oops: . I wish this rooster i have now came with a warning sign. In the 6 weeks i have had him he has done nothing but attack my hen non stop he wouldn't even let her eat or drink if i'm not holding him pecking order is one thing but it doesn't happen every hour of everyday!! I need to eathier cull him or find him a new home because this is insane! I refuse to loose one of my chickens to another one of my chickens!

Yeah, the cockerels I culled showed all the signs of being viscous, they pecked the ladies heads, tried to force them down for mating even though too young, even saw 1 kick a lady! They had even started to puff up at me when I handled them, so I am glad they are no longer a problem. They tasted pretty good too, just wish they had been bigger, had to cook 2 to feed my family. Thinking of where and how to build a bachelors grow out pen for when I start hatching next year. The cockerels are all dinners, lol.
Screwball isn't a gentleman with the ladies either. He does his dance, and since my ladies are too young he does chase them after. He has grabbed a few behind the neck and tried to breed them, but he has not injured any of them. He also doesn't fight the ladies for food like the cockerels did. I hope that he will settle some more, he is only 5 months old. The ladies should start maturing in the next month or 2. Once his sex drive is being satisfied I think he will stop this behavior. But I still need a good 2nd Roo. I wish 1 of those cockerels hadnt been so mean, then i would have had my 2nd rooster, but not with the attitudes they had. I have 25 chickens total, I think for heavy breeds it's 10 hens per 1 rooster for best results. But after reading about mycoplasma and other diseases I am very afraid of getting a grown Roo. The only person I know and trust who has chickens is my sister, and she only has her 1 Roo, 9 hens, and the 3 pullets I sent as part of her hubby's b-day present.
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Tomorrow when I am around wifi I will post pictures that I took today. I think that you picked ok. My Cauyga seems to have slowed down in growth and is more like the largest mallard in size and body type. The Pekins are much bulkier and just are a bigger bird in general I think.

Oh good. I did research online, but could not find a size comparison between a Cayuga drake and a Pekin drake. All I found was that Cayugas are smaller and less noisy than Pekins. I would hate to think I brought a drake in that would also injure my Ebony girl. I want all my ducks to have full lives, doing Ducky things with their duck friends. And I want some home hatched ducklings next year to go with my home hatched chicks and geese, lol. The ducklings are growing fast, and Ebony enjoys their company. She doesn't mother them, but she let's them snuggle with her and looks for them when they peep. She is still laying just about everyday. And when I put Ebony and the ducklings outside in the playpen Daisy and Ivory come over to visit. Can't wait till the Cayugas are big enough to join them free ranging in the yard.
Would anyone be interested in trading chicks" I have quail, silver quail, and blue silver quail d'anver chicks. Hatching out on Wednesday or Thursday and I would like to get leghorn, faverolle, black copper maran, dominique, or crevecouer chicks to trade them with.
Quote: Thank you to all the Veterans out there. Both my Grandfather and Father are retired Air Force.

hello texans i listen a lot on here dont post too much :) just wanted to put up a pic or two i got my silver campines from sandhill preseveration hatchey yesterday and my extras were interesting also some cubalayas, buff laced polish and silver kraienkoppes...i also have heritage reds and got some welsummers and black copper marans..and during all the celebrations this weekend remember our vets who bought our freedom at a great price all gave some and some gave all ....my most humble thankyou..
You go some Cubs from Sandhill? Can't wait to see pictures of them all grown up. Sandhill has some of the best from what I understand.

Would anyone be interested in trading chicks" I have quail, silver quail, and blue silver quail d'anver chicks. Hatching out on Wednesday or Thursday and I would like to get leghorn, faverolle, black copper maran, dominique, or crevecouer chicks to trade them with.
I wish you were closer and I would buy some
I really want Quail! Of course need to build some pens first, LOL!
Those of you with young hens who are looking for a good Roo for them, do you have to have a Roo now? If not, why not wait until the young hens are closer to a year old, and then get a Roo for them? That way, they will be older, and can teach the Roo some manners when he gets too "excited".

It seems like it would be easier to end up with a good Roo when you have older, more experienced hens to teach him a thing or two.
Just something I've picked up from reading here on BYC. Not from personal experience, mine are only 12 & 13 weeks old now. I did not want a Roo with my first batch of chicks, for this reason.

My two recently-hatched ducklings. Only two hatched, and one has a bum leg(she's going to the vet hopefully tomorrow if they're open, and if not, then on Tuesday, and in the meantime, someone experienced is guiding me and telling me how to help her), but I have at least one healthy, happy duckling! The duckling on the left is Zeus. He will be three days old around 3pm today. The duckling on the right is Hephaestus, or Heph, and she's a day old this morning. Heph had to be assissted, and she was way too big for her egg. As you can see in the photo, which was taken probably about seven hours after Heph hatched, she and Zeus are the same size. When Zeus was seven hours old, he was a lot smaller. He's actually still a bit smaller than Heph, though it doesn't look like it in the photo. Zeus and Heph are Mallard/Welsh Harlequin mixes.

Pyrrhos, my Mallard, the mother. She was taken by a bobcat a few weeks ago, while she was sitting on her eggs. I had to take all the eggs inside and incubate them in a makeshift incubator. I think my humidity was too low, resulting in the loss of many eggs who should have hatched.

Erebus, my Welsh Harlequin drake, the father. Since I lost two hens to a bobcat, Erebus has greatly stepped up to the plate as flock guardian, and is definitely more observant than he once was.
Erebus, my Welsh Harlequin drake, the father. Since I lost two hens to a bobcat, Erebus has greatly stepped up to the plate as flock guardian, and is definitely more observant than he once was.
Sorry for your losses
, that is a hard blow. He is handsome! Hope both the little duckies make it.

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