
Intersting experience...Got out of the truck to go inside and what greets me with head up...a 4 ft chicken snake!!! Just in the open sunning. DH was already on the porch so when I yelled snake he came with the machete. He thinks he might have hit it but it disappeared into the ivy and we hunted that critter for 20 minutes. Still not sure we got it saw no blood or body parts. So i won't be going out after dark without a flashlight and a blade. This is the second big snake we've seen in the last three days.
And the age old question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times:

How does everyone store their eggs?
Wash vs washed
Room temp vs fridge

No roo here, so no fertilization to worry about.

I only have one laying, but they're all the same age so I gather it will pick up soon.
We'll sell a few and keep the rest :)
Right now I have one unwashed in the cabinet.
I know once you wash, the "bloom" is removed, and shelf life is diminished, correct?

I only wash the muddy/dirty ones (we used to have laying ducks), and store 'em all (washed or un-washed) in the fridge. We also consume them as soon as we get enough for a full meal (which, with the ducks, was once a week). Now my chickens are starting to lay & we plan on doing the same with them.
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Intersting experience...Got out of the truck to go inside and what greets me with head up...a 4 ft chicken snake!!! Just in the open sunning. DH was already on the porch so when I yelled snake he came with the machete. He thinks he might have hit it but it disappeared into the ivy and we hunted that critter for 20 minutes. Still not sure we got it saw no blood or body parts. So i won't be going out after dark without a flashlight and a blade. This is the second big snake we've seen in the last three days.

Luckily we haven't had any snakes 'round here. I do not look forward to my first run-in with a snake...they really creep me out.
And the age old question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times:

How does everyone store their eggs?
Wash vs washed
Room temp vs fridge

No roo here, so no fertilization to worry about.

I only have one laying, but they're all the same age so I gather it will pick up soon.
We'll sell a few and keep the rest :)
Right now I have one unwashed in the cabinet.
I know once you wash, the "bloom" is removed, and shelf life is diminished, correct?
I only wash dirty eggs, I put them in egg cartons (my customers bring them to me) and I do have a roo so they go in the fridge.
I only wash the muddy/dirty ones (we used to have laying ducks), and store 'em all (washed or un-washed) in the fridge. We also consume them as soon as we get enough for a full meal (which, with the ducks, was once a week). Now my chickens are starting to lay & we plan on doing the same with them.
I don't see them lasting long here either.
I've got an 18 month old son that eats more like an 18 year old....lol
He'll eat 2-3 on his own for breakfast!
Plus I like to bake when I have the time.
It's just awkward right now with only 1 layer lol
What do you do with ONE little pullet egg? lol
She laid Sat, Sun, and Monday. Then took a break yesterday: got in the box but didn't lay.
Haven't checked today yet
And the age old question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times:

How does everyone store their eggs?
Wash vs washed
Room temp vs fridge

No roo here, so no fertilization to worry about.

I only have one laying, but they're all the same age so I gather it will pick up soon.
We'll sell a few and keep the rest :)
Right now I have one unwashed in the cabinet.
I know once you wash, the "bloom" is removed, and shelf life is diminished, correct?

I have a Rooster. If they are clean, they are not washed and left at room temp. If they are dirty, they are washed and put in the fridge.

It seems to be just personal preference.
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And the age old question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times:

How does everyone store their eggs?
Wash vs washed
Room temp vs fridge

No roo here, so no fertilization to worry about.

I only have one laying, but they're all the same age so I gather it will pick up soon.
We'll sell a few and keep the rest :)
Right now I have one unwashed in the cabinet.
I know once you wash, the "bloom" is removed, and shelf life is diminished, correct?
I get between 8-12 eggs a day, and since I have ducks and they lay on the floor or on the ground, the eggs are almost always dirty. So, I wash them off with hot water (no soap) and then lay them on a paper towel to dry. By the next day they are put in an egg carton and then into the fridge. I sell most of my eggs, and don't want to have to wash them at the last minute and nobody likes buying dirty eggs. They still last a long time in the fridge, but then duck eggs have a waxy coating on the outside that helps with that.

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