
TRy putting one of those fake owls near the porch. Works to keep them out of my garden when I don't want them in there.

Worth trying here. Great idea!
Mine don't fly..but they're also heavier breeds. Or maybe they have no desire to get to the neighbors labs? lol
I have 6ft. Although I DID have one of my girls flutter to the top of my 6ft chain link pen.
She wouldn't let me catch her for bed so I let her have her way and left her out..guess she got lonely.

Oh my goodnesssss!!

Yeah...I've heard about that :/ My Silkie had the same issue. Maybe they will give her some company. They'll free range so hopefully they'll have their space..

In theory, yes. Barred Rock pullets are usually darker than males. She should also be behind them in comb and waddle development. But there are other signs, so it's always hard to tell for sure without a picture
I usually don't go by comb and wattles because I've had a small hen that developed wattles and comb very fast compared to my others. But compared to the others, feathers are already grown out and more darker then the others. Not by much, but still more dark than silver. When I get my student loan in I'll be able to get my phone fixed so I can take more pics.
We got our first egg! It's from a 21.5 week old Easter Egger Bantam. I had a game cam on the nest boxes, but after getting over 1000 photos in one day because they decided to hang out a lot in the coop that day, I turned the frequency down. So, wouldn't you know it, my only shot of a chicken in the nest box was of its rear end as it climbed in and I have two that look just alike from that angle. So, it was either Cinnamon or Sugar, but not sure who. Since there will now be real action, I have changed my settings so it will at least take 3 shots at a time and hopefully get a side shot.

I am so proud of it - I think this must be like parents with their new babies - they just think they have the prettiest most perfect one!

That is a beautiful egg!
We got our first egg! It's from a 21.5 week old Easter Egger Bantam. I had a game cam on the nest boxes, but after getting over 1000 photos in one day because they decided to hang out a lot in the coop that day, I turned the frequency down. So, wouldn't you know it, my only shot of a chicken in the nest box was of its rear end as it climbed in and I have two that look just alike from that angle. So, it was either Cinnamon or Sugar, but not sure who. Since there will now be real action, I have changed my settings so it will at least take 3 shots at a time and hopefully get a side shot. I am so proud of it - I think this must be like parents with their new babies - they just think they have the prettiest most perfect one!
yay blue egg!
We got our first egg! It's from a 21.5 week old Easter Egger Bantam. I had a game cam on the nest boxes, but after getting over 1000 photos in one day because they decided to hang out a lot in the coop that day, I turned the frequency down. So, wouldn't you know it, my only shot of a chicken in the nest box was of its rear end as it climbed in and I have two that look just alike from that angle. So, it was either Cinnamon or Sugar, but not sure who. Since there will now be real action, I have changed my settings so it will at least take 3 shots at a time and hopefully get a side shot. I am so proud of it - I think this must be like parents with their new babies - they just think they have the prettiest most perfect one!
Very pretty! Makes me want chickens now instead of spring. How big of an egg is it?

Love the blue eggs. I am limited to 3 hens,so I can not add a blue egg layer now, but perhaps in the future. I can not even remember the name of the breed I wanted to get. Geez it really stinks loosing your memory. I do remember wanting Spitzhaubens. Does a cream legbar sound like a blue egg layer?
Guess I'll have to research again.
Thank you. I now have two eggs. They are each 1.1 oz.

Love the blue eggs. I am limited to 3 hens,so I can not add a blue egg layer now, but perhaps in the future. I can not even remember the name of the breed I wanted to get. Geez it really stinks loosing your memory. I do remember wanting Spitzhaubens. Does a cream legbar sound like a blue egg layer?
Guess I'll have to research again.
Yes ma'am! Cream Legbars generally lay blue eggs. Once in a while a green one has bee known to slip in there though.
The neat thing about legbars, tome, is that they're auto-sexing. Which means you can 100% get a girl and not have to worry about it turning out to be a roo. They're a little pricier (I paid $15 per pullet chick) but the security, especially when you have a limit to think about, is worth it to me.

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