
Lubbock Texas whoop whoop!
If you are worried about the pipes, cut the water off and open a faucet to drain the water out of the pipes. Good idea of topping everything off with water. Fill up pots too, for your own use. We have pipes in the attic, used to be old galvanized and we cut off water in cold weather. Finally one day the pipes busted while we were at work, flooded house and the ceiling fell in. We re-plumbed with pex pipe. Since you and your DH are going to build, research pex pipe. It expands when it freezes instead of splitting open.
I got the word from Ideal that my order is a go for February 11th. Yay! 20 chicks - 10 assorted dark brown egg layers and 10 sex linked pullets. Now I need to figure out where to set up the brooder. I totally forgot that my sister had taken over the area I usually use for her family's bikes and camping gear. I can use the workshop, but it's not a heated room and I was thinking of using an ecoglo brooder thingy for the heat source this time. I had heard that if the room temperature is below 53, they don't work so well. Hmmm. May have to set it all up early and do some temperature tests when we have cold days/nights.
I got the word from Ideal that my order is a go for February 11th. Yay! 20 chicks - 10 assorted dark brown egg layers and 10 sex linked pullets. Now I need to figure out where to set up the brooder. I totally forgot that my sister had taken over the area I usually use for her family's bikes and camping gear. I can use the workshop, but it's not a heated room and I was thinking of using an ecoglo brooder thingy for the heat source this time. I had heard that if the room temperature is below 53, they don't work so well. Hmmm. May have to set it all up early and do some temperature tests when we have cold days/nights.
You can put them in an unheated room if you have a good heat source--mine are 3 weeks old and out in the tool shed in a stock tank with hay. They have 2 flood lights and an electric heating pad.
That was my point - I've heard that the ecoglo brooder wasn't as good on heat in a cold environment. I wanted to try that instead of the lamp.
Hmm..I've never used one. I know their touted by bloggers a lot, but if they don't work well in temperatures below 53, then you wouldn't be able to use them. Is there any way you could make the brooder insulated? That could probably help keep it around 53 degrees, but I'm still not sure.. :/
The workshop is an insulated room (just not heated), so I'm going to do some temperature tests before the chicks get here so I can see if its worth using or not. I think this is the earliest in the year I've gotten chicks! I've always used a wading pool with high sides for my brooder. I did a water trough one year, but they outgrew it so quickly. The wading pool has more room and with 20, they're going to need that room!

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