
I have a Stoger Cougar 9MM.... works like a charm when you DON'T drop it out of a saddle bag in a creek bed trying to pull it out to shoot a snake... Yeah... we haven't had the funds to get the new (whatever it is hubby says it needs to work again), so, I've been going without. I take my walking stick with me everywhere, and if something gets close enough to be hit with it it's just as nasty as a pistol. 9 years of soft ball I can swing that thing to save my life, haha.

I ended up being two hinges short to finish my project before dark. Everything else is DONE. Chicks spent the day in section C ( which I finished yesterday ) while I worked on section D. I think I'm going to do some rearranging, though, as there's more chicks than there is adult ducks... and the ducks currently have a bigger pen. Once the chicks get closer to laying age the ducks are moving into C and D and the chicks are moving into section A and B. There's about 20sqft more room on those two pens.

Just hope I get finished completely before Sunday when the rain hits. I'd hate to be put off a few days due to the mud. Blech... I guess if it rains instead of wood working I can put in tposts and stretch wire for the runs.
We have 30 brown eggs layers and they are 18 months old. We are only getting 16 a day, what up with that? We need help they are free ranged . Help!
it is probably a combination of the time of year a period of molting or check for parasites and things they can get from areas wild birds
my sig has been a trusty pistol take down and maitenance is a breeze
I used to carry a Sig DAK .40. My old Green and Yellow Remington box .40 shut it down within three magazines. The Glock 22 .40 ate it up and asked for more.
it is probably a combination of the time of year a period of molting or check for parasites and things they can get from areas wild birds
My 6 EE's are producing sporadically. Some days 2, some days 4, some days 5, and on a really good day 6/6. They actually started laying eggs this December. So, far we haven't had to go to the store to buy any eggs. I am working on a new coop for the 22 chicks coming in May. Straight run French Black Copper Marans and blue/black/splash Americauanas. Doing chicken math, a straight run could net me half roosters, and then assuming no brooder deaths, so that number will drop considerably. I only need one rooster of the two varieties. So, I will either end up trading them, selling them, or in a pinch eating the extra roosters.

I plan on the two roosters for keeping both breeds going and crossing them to make an Olive Egger breed as well. Once they are mature, I plan on investing in an incubator. I haven't made up my mind on a good idiot proof incubator. I work a lot of hours, so I can't be around all the time to monitor the incubator.
Woah! I am waaaaaaay too far behind to try to catch up. Hope everyone is doing well. We're doing great, here...and Barbarella, one of our French Black Marans, has gone broody on us. I nudge her out of the nesting box/coop daily and she mingles just fine with the rest of the flock, but then goes right back to sitting on everyone else's eggs. Silly goose...er, I mean chicken.

That's all I've got right now. Catch ya'll again soon!

- Angel
same here, ive missed alot. We have babies!

Our hens were sharing a nest so far we have 6 silkies and one ee
Mine quit laying about 2-3 months ago and started up again last week. Not getting as many as before but they about 3 year old production hens
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