
I know you mean getting the chicks out of the brooder, but it sounded like you had the kids in the brooder.

Just kidding. I really enjoyed meeting your family, and wish we could have spent more time together. I am hoping we can stay in touch and become friends.

There is 1 requirement to becoming friends, you have to dance online (BYC).
That would be nice. And my daughter was in there last week cleaning it out. Today, we clipped wings, put shavings in the new coop, along with a feeder and waterer, and they are outside living in it right now. I am leaving them in there for a couple of weeks, so they get the idea it is home, and when they out to free range, they know where to go home at.
This website is not wanting to work out well for me tonight. I get back a couple of weeks, and I get a blue screen and nothing else. Anyway, I was trying to get in touch with someone who has a young buff oprington roo they were trying to divest themselves of. I have taken a shine tot he buff orpingtons my son has. Compared to the Plymouth Bar Rocks my daughter has it is night and day in personality. So, I was hoping to eventually breed them. The Buffs are really laid back. They don't mind being handled. The PBR's throw a fit like you are taking them to the stump to make them dinner. The Orps will get a little scared, but once you hold them, they twitter at you in a pretty way, almost sing-songy.
I sell muscovy ducklings regularly, but, I don't have any at the moment. I've got 40 in the incubator due at different times but they're only on day 17. If you're willing to wait.
I sell muscovy ducklings regularly, but, I don't have any at the moment. I've got 40 in the incubator due at different times but they're only on day 17. If you're willing to wait.

It turns out we'll probably be going the weekend after the 25th. I'm trying to schedule a surprise for my mom.

Any colors that you can tell me about? It looks like I have one Muscovy male and female (ducklings) but I need some new blood so they don't grow up trying to mate together.

If you could also let me know the prices you normally charge, I'd really appreciate it.
So we have finally agreed upon a coop site and a design idea. Now time to do a little more research and put together some plans. Of course the idea is way more complex than we originally planned on after deciding not to maintain separate flocks. Going to have to build a temporary tractor for the chicks, at least we will be able to use it as a turkey tractor next year. Hoping to get that most of the way done tomorrow. Would like to have my shed back.

Out of the 30 chicks and 8 guinea keets I started with I have 26 chicks and 8 keets to build housing for, plus 5 hens. Lost 3 to unknown causes, 2 of those were before they reached the 1 week mark and the other was around day 10. Then rehomed one of the Fayoumi cockerels. The slower growing breed is still not fully feathered.

Flock as of now:
3 Easter Egger hens (full grown)
2 Brown/red pullets (full grown, pullet run from TSC think they are either production reds or a sex-link)
5 Silver-penciled Egyptian Fayoumis (3 females, 2 males, rehomed one male)
5 Barred Hollands (3 females, 2 males)
5 Black-Breasted Red Cubalayas (slow to mature, think I have 2 males)
6 Blue-Red Cubalayas (slow to mature, think I only have 1 male)
3 Black Cochin (think only 1 male)
2 Cornish Cross (1 male, these will be becoming food soon)
8 French Guineas
It turns out we'll probably be going the weekend after the 25th. I'm trying to schedule a surprise for my mom.

Any colors that you can tell me about? It looks like I have one Muscovy male and female (ducklings) but I need some new blood so they don't grow up trying to mate together.

If you could also let me know the prices you normally charge, I'd really appreciate it.

Sending you a pm
This website is not wanting to work out well for me tonight. I get back a couple of weeks, and I get a blue screen and nothing else. Anyway, I was trying to get in touch with someone who has a young buff oprington roo they were trying to divest themselves of. I have taken a shine tot he buff orpingtons my son has. Compared to the Plymouth Bar Rocks my daughter has it is night and day in personality. So, I was hoping to eventually breed them. The Buffs are really laid back. They don't mind being handled. The PBR's throw a fit like you are taking them to the stump to make them dinner. The Orps will get a little scared, but once you hold them, they twitter at you in a pretty way, almost sing-songy.

How's the coop holding up?
How's the coop holding up?
Well, it is tom cat proof. He tried every which way to get at them when they went in the run. And he is not a dumb cat. He is an avid hunter, and kills moles, mice, and small birds all the time. He can also mimic some human speech like, "Hello," and "Food." So, for a cat he is pretty keen on trying all the angles, and he did. He couldn't breach it. So, I think that is pretty good.

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