
Never give up on the dream. I was retired for 5 years before we took the plunge and I can only say I wish we had been able to do it sooner. Plan and persevere and you will make it.
We bought 11 acres up near Leaky and put a 600 sq. foot cabin on it. We hope to be able to retire up there in about 15 years. Right now we go there for a weekend a month to get away. Maybe not fancy, but 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and enough space for when we retire. Maybe I can raise eggs and chicks up there to sell, veggies would work too. There are plenty of Farmer's Market. Maybe put another cabin up there to rent out during the spring/summer season. We are about 10 miles away from town, but it is about a 25 minute drive. (curvy roads)
My "bad neighbor" stopped me yesterday on the dirt road to chat. He's normally very short and mean to us. As we continue to clean up our property he's becoming more and more sociable. He even offered to let us dump some of the glass bottles we have piled ( previous tenant) into the ditch behind his house that the flood waters drain through. I politely denied, I'd rather wait a little longer until we can get a dumpster.

Our true bad neighbor is actually a few miles up the road. He once intentionally drove off the road to run my dog over. Then yelled at me for hitting his truck with a rock as he pulled away. Now he speeds past our house whenever he goes by.

Could anyone share their experiences with H

I don't know anything about H&H Feed. I have been using MFM (Martindale Feed Mills) layer pellets for some time now and am happy with it. My ducks and chickens love it and even my geese, who are a bit picky, are not put off by it. They are local (to Texas) from a town called Valley View south of Gainesville. Price is lower than Purina and Dumor and my local feed store carries it which is better than the 50 mile trip to the nearest TSC. When you use 800 pounds of feed a month price and distance are decision makers.


I've been using H & H for quite a while now since it's non gmo & no soy & I do fermented feed, my chickens seem to love it :D
I've been using H & H for quite a while now since it's non gmo & no soy & I do fermented feed, my chickens seem to love it

Awesome - I hear that a lot, that the hens love it. I think I'm gonna do it. I see you're in the San Antonio area - me, too. Where do you get yours? PJ Feed?

- Ant Farm
I am in South Texas near Corpus Christi, Texas. I am a victim of chicken math. We are now trying to build another coop. I already have one, but since I decided to venture into incubating eggs. I need more room. Somehow, it went from 3 to 6 to 12 to 18 and it just keeps going. Oh well, the whole family is loving my addiction. So hello, fellow Texans. Has anyone ordered from Ideal Poultry? I am really wanting a frizzled Cochin. Notice wanting...not needing. We tried Texas Naturals, but kept getting weevils in it. (Was coming that way from feed store) I don't think the feed is bad, maybe just storage problems at the store we were using. So we switched to another feed bought at another store.

Welcome! I ordered 2 frizzle Cochin bantams from Ideal. I also ordered silkies All the Chickens were and still are healthy! they are looking quite lovely IMO. one of the frizzles has smooth feathers but I have been told she will still carry the frizzle gene and could be bread for frizzle. I am happy with them but did get packing peanuts in May when they came. Next time if I cannot pick them up I will order meaties to max out my order that way it is only 8 weeks to freezer camp.

Needle 10 weeks

The two White ones are the frizzles Needle and Little Nitty is the one that didn't frizz.
I will order from them again in the future.
For shallow pans I use cat litter pans. They are easy in and out not too deep and dont use as much water or space as a kiddie pool.
Nice looking birds!
I had moved my 5 year old BO, Erebel, to the grow out pen with Mr. Feathers and 13 3 week old chicks a couple weeks ago to break her from broodiness (it's way too hot and she always breaks her eggs anyway). I had hoped she'd adopt the chicks since she seemed to want to be a mama so bad (goes broody every other month). So far, it looks like she's just been tolerant of them, but yesterday I went out and saw an owl on the swingset near the coop, Mr. Feathers was hollering out an alarm and when I went up to the coop, Erebel had all 13 chicks crammed into a corner and she was in full fluff in front of them! So cute!! I may not be able to get a hen to hatch eggs, but it looks like I got a pair to raise the chicks for me now.
After thirteen years of loyalty and love. Never faltering protection. Devotion. Companionship. After thirteen years of being the best chicken herding dog and quail catcher. Thirteen long years, Titan has come to a point where we are having to make the decision to put him down. He's in so much pain every day it's just not fair. Half the time his back legs don't work. When they do he's up and going. Those days are fading fast. This will be our last few days with the big lug. We're going to fill them with love and steak dinners.

It will be hard. He was my last childhood dog and my longest companion. Here he is yesterday debating the stairs to the house. See his squat. I'll post more pictures later this week. He's the big red hound.

My whole family is making trips to see him.

The old man is just in to much pain to be selfish anymore. Took me several hours to get him up and going this morning. Ended in me getting bit because he hurt to bad to stand. I left him in his bed with breakfast and water.



I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you and your family. It's hard letting them go. I still remember every dog I've ever had and hope to never forget them.
We've only had chickens since the end of May. We inherited a flock when we purchased 15 acres. They had 5 Brahma, 1 silkie and we added 2 RIRs. We are also raising 4 white leghorns and 8 keets . What have y'all found is the best breeds for the heat? We're just south of Houston.

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