
I know I talked to someone about buying some of their buff orpingtons, but I can't remember who and can no even figure out how to get to the private messages. I will try after this week end is over.
Those who know my story,know my 97 year old Mother has lived with me for about 6 years. May 28th she had stroke, at her age life ending stroke. We were able to keep her home an comfortable until she went to be Our Lord yesterday morning. Her funeral will be today, the day we had a gathering planned to celebrate Mom's 98 birthday. Life is what happens while you are busy making plans.
Tomorrow we have a baby shower for my daughter who is having a baby girl in August (Mom's birth month). She will be named Ruby E. After her great grandmother.
Live is beautiful.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom some years ago, the last time I saw her was my birthday, three days before she died. She told me I was pregnant. I was pregnant by no more than a week or two. That little girl looks just like my mom did. I hope that you can look back on the memories and know that she will be waiting for you at the end of this road.

sorry for your loss. I buried my dad yesterday he was 75 and a wonderful man.
Sorry for your loss. I wish I could do more to console you. I haven't lost either of my dad's yet. Though one has alzcheimers (sp?) and is pretty much already gone mentally.

The best handgun you can get is the one you can shoot well without flinching or closing your eyes when you pull the trigger. Probably a .38 special or a 9mm depending on whether you want a revolver or semiautomatic. Go to a gun store and see what fits your hand. Get instruction from a professional or someone that has much experience handling them and practice. Be safe. And store it properly when not in use. Rifles are easier to shoot but harder to carry.

We havebeen wanting to get one but we don't want to get something that we will hurt our ownselves with! Both of us are clumsy.
Well, it's supposed to be dry today (we'll see). I'm going to work on the coop bedding in all the coops. I saw a suspicious poop this morning - I'm going to treat for cocci. I'd be surprised some don't have it at this point.

- Ant Farm
I know! All this wet I am sure there are parasites and nasties all over! I saw suspicious poop too and need to treat it quickly.

I'll get some pics up. I just don't want people mad at me because this bird may be from a fighting background. I don't agree with it and I see it that my neighbor and I sort of rescued him from whatever fate he would have had.
Quote: Got all the coops cleaned and set up with dry bedding - 7 big bales of compressed pine shavings later. Took about 7 hours.
Started treatment of the young'uns for Cocci. If it stays dry, maybe I can begin to tidy the rest of the yard...

Not sure why anyone would be mad at you for your bird's background - that's not your fault (or his). You're giving him a non-fighting home. I'll be interested in seeing the pics - please post them.

- Ant Farm
I discovered under my roof there is a bee hive. Are there any bee swarm removal service near/in Austin???

I searched on craiglist and most services are in San Antonio
Got all the coops cleaned and set up with dry bedding - 7 big bales of compressed pine shavings later. Took about 7 hours.
Started treatment of the young'uns for Cocci. If it stays dry, maybe I can begin to tidy the rest of the yard...

Not sure why anyone would be mad at you for your bird's background - that's not your fault (or his). You're giving him a non-fighting home. I'll be interested in seeing the pics - please post them.

- Ant Farm

Okay! I don't always think straight. I'll post some pics tomorrow of the interesting birds I have.
I have no idea where my attempt to answer your question went but there are probably some confused people out there wherever this iPhone dumped it. To answer the question about the .40 it is like a 9mm and a .45 had a baby. It is an intermediate round between the two.
Hi everyone - I am a new member located in Austin, TX. Just wanted to say Hi. I have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Barnevelder, and 1 New Hampshire Red. This is my first venture in chickens. I live in the suburbs and we built a small coop in our backyard. My chickens are just about 4 weeks old and still living inside for another week. I love them!
I discovered under my roof there is a bee hive. Are there any bee swarm removal service near/in Austin???

I searched on craiglist and most services are in San Antonio
When I needed bee removal -- I found someone in the Yellow pages, but that was near SA. You may check the yellow pages -- and maybe a google search for some bee keeping associations. Around here you need to be very careful that they aren't africianized bees (although I haven't heard much about them lately -- so maybe the threat has lessened ) --

good luck with it -- hope you will find a resource.

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