
Every time we clean a coop or run we use DE. It dries out bugs or mites that might be growing. We put some in the feed as a natural dewormer. A word to the wise wear a mask when you put it down. It is not toxic but if inhaled it will dry out mucous membranes and be very unpleasant.
Hi folks! We just moved to Hewitt Texas from Missouri and we have 10 pullets and one rooster. We just started having chiggers problem a month ago and hating every single moment in our backyard. Any help/ideas to solve the chigger problem? Thank you all.

chiggers = misery don't they?

there is a product called 'after bite' - you can get at any walmart -- and an even better one called 'chiggerex' -- I think -- that will relieve the agony. After bite smells like amonia - and I knew someone who always carried amonia in a vial for fire ant bites -- and it does help.....

Soil sulphur sprinkled on the ground may keep them away -- (snakes too so I have heard. )

Here is something from Mother Earth news
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oh boy, texas chiggers.

you may try an insecticide that contains bifen. I'd also suggest using for mosquitoes also. I've never used it for chiggers, but have for mosquitoes, and it works amazing on them blood suckers. I live close to the coast and any other spray applied to the yard would never work, since we always have wind blowing in new bugs. Bifen fixed that, and so long as I stay up on keeping it sprayed, no mosquitoes.
I have French Black Copper Marans. I sell hatching eggs and chicks on preorder. I am running a test hatch of Olive Eggers. I do have Blue Americanas one is laying and is fertile. The other girls should give me their first eggs soon. I also have chocolate Orpingtons. Chicks are all on preorder and hatching eggs ship regularly.

I don't want to hatch just yet, maybe next year!
I'd be interested in some of the Olive eggers too.

I'll PM you.
The sun is shining and I have blue skies!! I tried to mow yesterday but the ground is just soaked and then some. Maybe by Thursday or Friday I can do it IF we don't get anymore rain.

Yeah, same here...
Hi folks! We just moved to Hewitt Texas from Missouri and we have 10 pullets and one rooster. We just started having chiggers problem a month ago and hating every single moment in our backyard. Any help/ideas to solve the chigger problem? Thank you all.
OMG, I am covered in chigger bites. Miserable creatures.
My problem is that I have coop clothes that I put on for chicken chores every day. I forgot that tendency to get chigger bites more from chiggers left over on your clothes if you don't wash them - but it's not practical to wash them every day for just an hour of wearing. And I keep forgetting the bug spray.

It seems that I have selective amnesia about all this every year - I'll remember to use the bug spray eventually...

- Ant Farm
There is only one known cure for chicken math. Send all your birds to me. Then cold turkey...two slices of bread, sliced turkey breast, mayo, lettuce and tomato. Enjoy.

I tried the second part, I think I am getting some orlofs now. :)
My French Black Copper Marans are 24.00 a dozen plus 15.00 to ship on hatching eggs.
That sounds wonderful. I will have to wait until my incubator isn't so full. Between my eggs and my friends eggs, it's a little crowded. We gathered all the broody eggs from three properties so we could move the broodies to higher ground. So it's full for at least 21 days.

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