
Congrats on the baby chicks! I'm glad you are getting to have some little fuzzbutts. I have a brooder full of chicks that were under my broodies before we had to move them because of the floods. Lost a couple of chicks but not too bad. I'm pretty sure there was something wrong with them from hatch because they died at day three or four.

I love watching the chickens play keep away. It's one of my favorite things ever.

For those who have been following my progress since the wreck, I'm speaking without a slur most of the time. When I do slur my speech it just sounds like I have a REALLY thick accent. Lol. My balance is SOO much better. I don't stumble and fall as much anymore. The weird hallucinations are under control now and the headaches are now just a bad memory that resurfaces once in a while. Stress still causes me to freeze up, unable to move or speak but at least I know how to tell when it's coming so I can get somewhere safe. I have trouble finding the right word sometimes but it's tolerable. Sometimes silence says more than words can with the proper facial expression. So on that note, I am going to try to enter the workforce again. I'm working with a temp agency to test me in a few places to find out what I can do (they know what I'm dealing with and are awesome about trying to help me get my feet wet again). My cdl is just a really expensive license. I'm still not sure if I will keep it or let it downgrade since it is unlikely I will be driving longhaul again. Still only allowed to drive for 30 minutes a day but that should be improving. Who knows, maybe I'll drive a trash truck. They don't go fast for really long lengths of times.
Gosh, I didn't know. Happy to hear you are recovering. Prayers for a full recovery.

Looks like Red, our dog that got bit, is going to be o.k. She has to spend the day on fluids and observation at the vet but hopefully will come home tonight. She may lose some of the tissue around where the bite was but that is o.k. as long as she is o.k. Two of our other dogs were there as well but did not get bit. Probably because one was on one side and one on the other side of the snake. At first I thought it was crickets but it is not that time of year. Then I saw the snake, about 5 feet from me, coiled. It measured out to about 5 feet long once we killed it.

Be on the watch folks, snakes are bad this year. Maybe due to the weather who knows. But now that it is hot and dry they are coming out more and more.
That's great to hear! We've been fortunate in all of our bites no one has lost skin.
she doesn't lose any and continues healing. So glad you got the snake.

She does have to stay overnight at the Vet for one more night to make sure she gets her fluids and meds IV. But things are looking like she will be able to come home tomorrow. Here is a picture of her when we first found her as a pup. She had been dumped in a WalMart parking lot and was running in and out of traffic scared to death. I managed to get her, picked her up and when no one said "hey, what are you doing with my dog" took her to the animal shelter. Then when I got home I looked online at the shelter and they already had a mug shot of her so of course I went back to the shelter and paid the 75 dollar adoption fee. And to think I could have just kept her for free. That has been about 4 years ago and I can't imagine life without her or any of the other six we have.

She's a cutie! We have a similar story with one of our G. Pyrs. Think of it as a monetary donation to the shelter

I just read a story of a man getting bit on the ankle by a rattler while taking wedding photographs. It was a dry bite and he was only an hr late to his reception. One lucky groom!
She does have to stay overnight at the Vet for one more night to make sure she gets her fluids and meds IV. But things are looking like she will be able to come home tomorrow. Here is a picture of her when we first found her as a pup. She had been dumped in a WalMart parking lot and was running in and out of traffic scared to death. I managed to get her, picked her up and when no one said "hey, what are you doing with my dog" took her to the animal shelter. Then when I got home I looked online at the shelter and they already had a mug shot of her so of course I went back to the shelter and paid the 75 dollar adoption fee. And to think I could have just kept her for free. That has been about 4 years ago and I can't imagine life without her or any of the other six we have.

I am glad she is doing better! What a beautiful dog!
I have questions on egg laying. My sex links are 14 weeks old and my EE girls are 16 weeks. How much longer of a wait do we have for eggs?? Is it normal for the girls to gradually become more skittish as they get older? Also, does my 3 yr old's love for chasing the hens around delay onset of laying?

Mine were 5 months or 20 weeks when they started, took about a month after that for them all to start and settle into a routine. Mine went through stages of friendly and skittish. Once they were grown they settled down.

Glad Red is going to be ok. I don't have to worry at home but sometimes we go to the country to play.
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Thanks for the input! I'm guessing since they've been roosting at night for a few months it's okay to give them access to the nesting area. I've been noticing what might be practice nests dug into the shavings
Looks like Red, our dog that got bit, is going to be o.k. She has to spend the day on fluids and observation at the vet but hopefully will come home tonight. She may lose some of the tissue around where the bite was but that is o.k. as long as she is o.k. Two of our other dogs were there as well but did not get bit. Probably because one was on one side and one on the other side of the snake. At first I thought it was crickets but it is not that time of year. Then I saw the snake, about 5 feet from me, coiled. It measured out to about 5 feet long once we killed it.

Be on the watch folks, snakes are bad this year. Maybe due to the weather who knows. But now that it is hot and dry they are coming out more and more.

Glad she is getting better! We had a chihuahua get bit just behind her collar. She lost some skin and some hair but she made it!
I have questions on egg laying. My sex links are 14 weeks old and my EE girls are 16 weeks. How much longer of a wait do we have for eggs?? Is it normal for the girls to gradually become more skittish as they get older? Also, does my 3 yr old's love for chasing the hens around delay onset of laying?

sex links will lay sooner (agewise) than the easter eggers. That's my experience anyways. And as far as the skittishness, being chased by a child can make them more skittish. Having the child sit with treats helps them overcome the spookiness.

Gosh, I didn't know. Happy to hear you are recovering. Prayers for a full recovery.
Thanks! And I will be posting videos of me chasing chickens someday soon and the busdriver idea sounds great. I'll run it by my doctor to see what she thinks!

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