
Just stay indoor
Hiya TX folk. I'm in Houston (Cypress area) and I'm looking to relocate 5 chickens. 3 buff Orrington (2 of which are pretty young still) and 2 Australorps. We were trying to get away with keeping them in our deed restricted neighborhood and got busted. Anyone want to take them? I also have 3-5 gallon buckets of layer feed. One 5 gallon bucket of scratch as well.
Good luck! Hopefully someone will take them. I only have ducks. Sorry you are having to give them up. We did the same thing, but got away with it. But...that was a LONG time ago.

Hiya TX folk. I'm in Houston (Cypress area) and I'm looking to relocate 5 chickens. 3 buff Orrington (2 of which are pretty young still) and 2 Australorps. We were trying to get away with keeping them in our deed restricted neighborhood and got busted. Anyone want to take them? I also have 3-5 gallon buckets of layer feed. One 5 gallon bucket of scratch as well.

How young is pretty still young?
Are all girls?

I may be able to take them off your hands, but not for my yard.
For my friend who lives on 10 acres and already has two of my males.

Houston here also but the opposite side as you.

When do you need them gone by and how much are you asking for them?
How old are the Australorps? Laying?
Wilted is not the word. I feel like I start melting every time I go outside. Hottest since they began keeping records from what I hear on the news. Triple digits day after day...I am amazed at the resiliency of my birds. Egg production is almost at a stand still but still getting 4-5 a day from the chickens. Ducks are down to 8-10 a day.
Our actual temps have remained in the high 90's but the heat index easily reaches triple digits. My girls have been real troopers for me and are staying healthy. I seriously regret complaining about being too cold this past winter!
Wilted is not the word. I feel like I start melting every time I go outside. Hottest since they began keeping records from what I hear on the news. Triple digits day after day...I am amazed at the resiliency of my birds. Egg production is almost at a stand still but still getting 4-5 a day from the chickens. Ducks are down to 8-10 a day.
For real! Gees, I sweat just thinking about going outside.

Our actual temps have remained in the high 90's but the heat index easily reaches triple digits. My girls have been real troopers for me and are staying healthy. I seriously regret complaining about being too cold this past winter!
I would never complain about it being too cold here but I am regretting a few comments I made about all of the rain earlier this year
My chickens seem to just be miserable but I'm still getting eggs from them. They just look hot and panting all day. The ducks seem to tolerate the heat better but egg production has dropped a bit, however I have one starting to molt so I don't know if the drop in eggs is actually heat related. The ducks are a lot easier to cool off too because I just turn on the sprinkler and they all play in it. Once I turn it off the chickens will come out and drink some water off the grass and lay in the mud. I can't wait for fall!

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