
Have you checked with Animal Services? They might have traps you can rent.
Or call TX Parks and Wildlife and see what they recommend.

The Texas Wildlife Folks will come (look up Friends of Texas Wildlife also) for free and trap and relocate. A while back someone was concerned we had a cougar in the neighborhood. People set out deer feeders all over so it wouldn't be a huge surprise. If hey would shut down the deer feeder for a while it would move on - but I digress. The larger predators have a place in the food chain and especially cats would prefer to be away from people and left alone. Setting a motion activated light or water sprayer would probably discourage it from the coop.
Got another one, I quit! Off the TS to get the trap. Down to the two adults that I started with, which won't come near their coop, the cat grabbed the other one right outside of their coop! Sigh!!!

Oh NO! I hope you catch it quick!
Here's a link to Parks and wildlife. http://tpwd.texas.gov/ Click "game warden" at the top you can find your local warden and explain to him and they will take care of your pest. If you trap it what the heck are you going to do with it. You're gonna have a chainsaw in a cage.
All this rain has REALLY ramped up our need to mow... I wish my goats would mow for me, but they probably would eat everything BUT the grass.

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