
This is my small coop - 6x6. I put windows on all sides with shutters. The coop is in the shade and thanks to the oak tree shedding all over the roof of the run, so is the entire run. I do have a fan up near the top vent for when the temperatures get into the upper 90's. In the winter, I just shut the shutters and they do just fine.

Pretty!! How many chickens? What kinds?
Pretty!! How many chickens? What kinds?

This coop is my grow-out coop. Or it was. Right now, it's full of EE's. I meant to merge them in the flock, but since they're such a lightweight bird, I'm constantly losing them. They either fly over the fence and get picked off by the foxes or dogs, or they get picked off by hawks. Or they just leave. There's 13 of them in there and it's a bit crowded, but they seem to be handling it pretty well.
My main coop has 49 chickens, 5 roosters/cockerels and 44 hens. One group is over 2 years, then a 6 month old group (13), and a 10 week old group (also 13). These guys keep the barn and horse's pens fly free.

Cute pic I found on Facebook.
I live in the middle of no where far away from any city lines. Are my chickens covered under the free range laws? They are mostly always in my yard but they went into my neighbors yard ( weeds over my head). I have all of my chickens kept up now but if my chickens were to wander into their yard again would they be covered under the law? Also, their dog has come over and killed 5 of my chickens in my yard and keeps trying to get into the chicken coop. Is there a law against that?
I live in the middle of no where far away from any city lines. Are my chickens covered under the free range laws? They are mostly always in my yard but they went into my neighbors yard ( weeds over my head). I have all of my chickens kept up now but if my chickens were to wander into their yard again would they be covered under the law? Also, their dog has come over and killed 5 of my chickens in my yard and keeps trying to get into the chicken coop. Is there a law against that?
Depends on your county. Call your County Sheriff and ask. They can tell you exactly what you can do and what your liabilities would be. If you are in either a city or an incorporated occupied area there may also be local ordinances that apply.
Hi, on Texas here in Onalaska, TX ....
been on and off this site but never into the Texas forum.

We acquired a Charlie the rooster (Australorp), a Pilgram, 2 Australorp hens (1 now died of dog attack) and a white hen... don't know the breed.
We moved into a cabin here and took them in. Because the owners slowed in looking after them... was told by them, that they would see them 2-3x a week to feed and collect eggs.
I had 2 Ameracunas 2 Polish,and adopted Teddy Jr -Ameracuna... since then dog attacked and gotten Ginger,Ameracuna and both of my Polish hens.
I have incubated and hatched 16 eggs in October, 10 survived. 6 from Charlie and 4 from Teddy.
I have searched to buy 1 or 2 Australorp hens but find nothing closer by me that have them. They are mixed.
So, I'm debating on hatching some but find the experience rewarding but heartbreaking when they don't survive.
getting to keep all my chickens warm when weather drops. The older chickens are free range, but because losing a total of 4 chickens, have to enclosed them. I don't like that but have to protect them. Almost lost 1 more but had to shoot the dog. it was a pit bull and he growd at me. wasn't even afraid. He was on my property, owners knew of the attacks and was warned. felt bad in doing it but my chickens are alive.
Anyways, I'm ranting here. partly from being bored...

Glad to be here and see everyone's experience and ideas. I'm hoping tolearn more as I go on.

Thanks for reading,

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Hi, on Texas here in Onalaska, TX ....
been on and off this site but never into the Texas forum.

We acquired a Charlie the rooster (Australorp), a Pilgram, 2 Australorp hens (1 now died of dog attack) and a white hen... don't know the breed.
We moved into a cabin here and took them in. Because the owners slowed in looking after them... was told by them, that they would see them 2-3x a week to feed and collect eggs.
I had 2 Ameracunas 2 Polish,and adopted Teddy Jr -Ameracuna... since then dog attacked and gotten Ginger,Ameracuna and bit of my Polish hens.
I have incubated and hatched 16 eggs in October, 10 survived. 6 from Charlie and 4 from Teddy.
I have searched to buy 1 or 2 Australorp hens but find nothing closer by me that have them. They are mixed.
So, I'm debating on hatching some but find the experience rewarding but heartbreaking when they don't survive.
getting to keep all my chickens warm when weather drops. The older chickens ate free range, but because losing a total of 4 chickens, have to enclosed them. I don't like that but have to protect them. Almost lost more but had to shout the dog. it was a pit bull and he growers at me. wasn't afraid. He was on my property, owners knew of the attacks and was warned. felt bad in doing it but my chickens ate alive.
Anyways, I'm ranting here. partly from being bored...

Glad to be here and see everyone's experience and ideas. I'm hoping tolearn more as I go on.

Thanks for reading,

Welcome from Rosenberg! That is a beautiful cat!

I am sorry for the loss of your chickens. You did the right thing in shooting the pit. I am not against pit bulls, just dogs who kill your property!

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