
Hello everybody.
I am in the middle of a move. Oh my. And no chickens in site. But I have chicken memories to hold me over for a life time. First chance I get to have chickens again I will.
My tip for the day. If you are about to throw something out, wait one day.
Last night I watered plants with my stash of water jugs I stored up for when the electric went out and the pump didn't work or the pump broke. Didn't want them in the way during the move. Ha, today the pump went out. No worries it will be replaced tomorrow and I have drinking water, two toilets yet unflushed and am thawing a jug from the freezer. Ha, Ain't life a hoot.
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Life is a hoot. Are your jugs the plastic ones that milk comes in? After awhile mine disintegrate. About a decade ago we had so many wild mustang grapes that the vines were black with the grapes -- I got them by the distub full. My great plan was to make mustang grape wine. The directions said it had to age for 5-years to be any good. So -- about 3 years later, I came home from church only to find the ranch house smelling like wine and one or two of the gallons spilled on the floor. --

I use them to haul water to the pens and they disintegrate even faster when they are outdoors.

Have fun with your move!
Hey Y'all!

Does anyone have luck in Central Texas planting nutritious grasses or grains for their chickens to pasture in? If so, what type? Is your area complete sun or does it also have shade?

I want to plant some in my backyard for when I let me chickens free range for an hour each day. My backyard gets a good amount of shade, especially in the summer when the trees have their leaves. Thanks in advance for the suggestions!


Interesting that you should ask this - I am redoing my paddocks and doing some replanting this year, and just last week I made a trip to my local seed merchant (Douglass King Seeds in San Antonio) and had a long discussion with them. We settled on a short native grass mix (expensive, but perennial), combined with smaller proportions of clover and millet. (The millet will be an annual)

- Ant Farm

Thanks @Fire Ant Farm ! I'm going to look around in Austin for some seeds. I think using a native grass mix is a great idea, btw.
I am not sure if this is OK to post here but I have 6 Mille Fluer D'UCCLES that are looking for a new home, I got a mix of feathered feet bantams from ideal poultry and I got nine of this one kind. I live in the Conroe TX area which is north of Houston I paid $4 each and they are a month old I would like to get $7-8 a piece. I am not certain on male or female so it would be a straight run. Message me on here if your interested.
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Hello everybody.
I am in the middle of a move. Oh my. And no chickens in site. But I have chicken memories to hold me over for a life time. First chance I get to have chickens again I will.
My tip for the day. If you are about to throw something out, wait one day.
Last night I watered plants with my stash of water jugs I stored up for when the electric went out and the pump didn't work or the pump broke. Didn't want them in the way during the move. Ha, today the pump went out. No worries it will be replaced tomorrow and I have drinking water, two toilets yet unflushed and am thawing a jug from the freezer. Ha, Ain't life a hoot.

HI Hens!
Are you going to have a pond at the new place?
Congrats on selling your place!
I am not sure if this is OK to post here but I have 6 Mille Fluer D'UCCLES that are looking for a new home, I got a mix of feathered feet bantams from ideal poultry and I got nine of this one kind. I live in the Conroe TX area which is north of Houston I paid $4 each and they are a month old I would like to get $7-8 a piece. I am not certain on male or female so it would be a straight run. Message me on here if your interested.

Hi there.
Can you post a few pics of them?
Welcome, Justin. Justin, Tx is just north of where I grew up for almost 60 years. We now live in East Texas, Leesburg. It has been a big transition miving from the big city to the country but my "girls" keep me company. I only planned to have my initial 8 hens but cant resist the baby chicks. I now have 15 layers and 3 roosters (finally found someone to take the other 3 roosters iff my hands) and I am thinking about buying more Anericanas since my friends and I love the blue eggs. Anyway, you'll love Justin (Texas that is).
Kiki's girls when I get home today I will take some for you

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