
I am sorry If I upset you.  I was thinking of potential common issues based on your description of what is happening to your birds.
No not like that... I just mean I think maybe your right
I live in San Angelo. We have an A&M Research center here. I am waiting for a call back. There is no treatment for that. It will be impossible to contain with my set up..... and we do have a heavy wild turkey population in this area. So this is very concerning to me. Thank you for the information.
No not like that... I just mean I think maybe your right
I live in San Angelo. We have an A&M Research center here. I am waiting for a call back. There is no treatment for that. It will be impossible to contain with my set up..... and we do have a heavy wild turkey population in this area. So this is very concerning to me. Thank you for the information.
No problem. How is San Angelo. I tried to get that spot about 10 years ago, before I retired. I believe it is has an Air Force Base there. My father is a 71 year old Vietnam Vet that lives in NM. We were trying to think of a mutually acceptable location. He doesn't like East Texas. Lake Nasworthy, how is the fishing, white bass and striper or other types.
Broilers are prone to heart attacks, and they never stop eating. If you have other water fowl mixed in, it could be black head, or new castle. But, I suspect it is probably Merek's.
That was my first thought, honestly.

Quote: The vet pathologist in Gonzales is great - I had him do a necropsy on one of my birds (drove it out to him). You should definitely get a necropsy so you know for sure.

Yes, it's upsetting, I've been there (I have one hen who is nearly blind with ocular Mareks - who was VACCINATED for Mareks as a chick - and lost two hens to ALV). But it's not the end of the world once you adjust to things. You really can't contain Mareks, IMHO, best is to just breed for resistant chickens. I have a bunch of other (unvaccinated) chickens who all live in proximity to the one with Mareks (different coop, though), and I know it's on the property, and likely in the entire neighborhood, and have a wild bird problem. But they are all totally fine. (Mostly Naked Necks). That being said, different strains of Mareks can be either more or less virulent.

One reassuring thing is that it's not passed in the egg - and when you raise new chicks, brood them indoors for a good chunk of time (I can't remember if it's 6 or 8 weeks), always having clean clothes, etc., when dealing with the chicks (i.e., deal with them before going out to tend the outside chickens) and you'll get past the main susceptibility period, I think. (Double check my info, of course, that's from memory.) The big Mareks article here in BYC is very good.

- Ant Farm
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Yeah!! Good news for those of us who are "not supposed to have chickens". He he he!!
Yeah right, like that really stopped me!!!

Whereas I like the idea of everyone being able to own 6 chickens, it brings up the obvious question. It says Political Area. I live just outside an HOA, so I can have as many chickens as my coops will reasonably hold. Does, that mean the HOA can expand itself and say 'Only 6 hens for you'

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