
Hey guys! I have a question about ducks! My ducks will turn 20 weeks on 9/5/21. Do y’all think there’s a chance they’ll lay this year, or not till next spring?
Duck gurus in the duck forum folks. This is the 1st I’ve noticed anyone ask specifically about duck here in the Tejas thread….

egg laying gurus in the hatching and laying forum too I would quickly assume….
oh ok! i just thought someone in this thread would be able to help
Hey, keep that rule in the front of your mind. “It never hurts to ask.”

I’m no expert. I’m just aware of a lot of the chitchatting we’ve had in this thread over the last year… yes I do recall some banter about ducks & geese but, nothing as specialized as this question.

so I figured the fastest way to get you the help you need is to point ya toward the two areas with the greatest degree of help in the shortest amount of time. So here’s the short list from the main page (mind you this is screenshot & cropped from the mobile browser view) for ya:



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