
Suppose to be in the lower 90's by Tuesday, next week but usually this time of year we're closer to 95 to 97°F range! We have already had 81 days of triple digit temperatures. 66 consecutive days of 100°F or more!
@007Sean Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate you compiling this data, taking the time to write it, and then posting it.
I was already depressed about staying in the house with curtains, blinds & shades closed in an attempt to keep just a little bit of cool air in the house. Lucy (dog) and Larri (cat) have refused to go outside for the past month, I don’t blame them, but with everything closed up and them not going out I can’t describe the smell 😳😷💩
I really enjoyed writing the above, I am warped and have a strange sense of humor. Lucy & Larri do go outside to potty. I really do have all curtains, shades & blinds closed.
For your Friday pleasure…my girls sent the Queen of the Union Pecking Order to our door camera to file a grievance that the flock did not get their morning treats today 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

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