
Can y'all recommend the best breed for a newbie to start with. We are about an hour away from Houston, just finished our coop, well almost finished, we still have t finish painting, and adding a few other fishes to it, but all should be done next week, we are planning on picking up our Hens next week. The plan is to do 4 chickens, sadly the max our coop will take, and also they will be illegal, since our neighborhood is completely anti chickens, but yet we can have a horse
. SO we are thinking 4 RIR's or maybe 2 RIR's and 2 Bared Rock, or maybe 2 RIR's 1 BR and 1 BO. Other issue is that I need quite Hens ( so neighbor behind us wont hear us), and friendly since I have 3 small kiddos.

Thanks everyone.
Silkies! They are super sweet. But if you are wanting daily eggs they may not be the best. My Plymouth is sweet too...and she lays one egg a day:D


January 5, 2013
Pearce Pavilion
555 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX 77840

Details coming soon

Please visit our website http://lssserama.webs.com
Silkies! They are super sweet. But if you are wanting daily eggs they may not be the best. My Plymouth is sweet too...and she lays one egg a day:D

My RIR is super sweet. She demands to be petted every time she lays. LOL! She squats down and throws her elbows out and wont move till I have stroked her at least 5 times.
Everyones favorite chicken is the one they will pick but Chickens are like most other creatures they all have their own personalities. That said my most gentle are my Polish "Buff" and "White crested Black" of all my chickens these are most like pets and follow me around the yard even and come when called.
My RIR is super sweet. She demands to be petted every time she lays. LOL! She squats down and throws her elbows out and wont move till I have stroked her at least 5 times.
Aww that's cute. My silkies come and run up and jump to be picked up ... If I forget to give my plymouth attention she make sure she gets in too... Usually she'll jump onto my lap if I am sitting and push anyone else out of the way. She's may diva chicken, but I hand raised her since she was several days old. My silkies where several months when I got them so I was really shocked to see how sweet they were not skittish at all. Did you hand raise your girl?
That made me LOL, she deserves to be petted after all ;). MY husband want all 4 Hens to be RIR's, I think that's a bit boring, and would like a little color, and a bit of a mix, we'll see when we go get them. but the kids have named them already, polly, penny, mini and lulu (lol).

Must be feeding time... All those hungry eyes ( goes off singing )

Aaaand we're doing some hatching! Very promising outlook on this hatch. Only 75% made it to lock down, let's see if they all hatch... Ignore the little wry neck guy, he'll be all right until I can pull all the hatchlings out.

Anyone looking for any American Game? I'll be selling these babies at 6-8 weeks most likely.
That made me LOL, she deserves to be petted after all ;). MY husband want all 4 Hens to be RIR's, I think that's a bit boring, and would like a little color, and a bit of a mix, we'll see when we go get them. but the kids have named them already, polly, penny, mini and lulu (lol).
Guess I'm really boring I have 26 red chickens & just hatched 39 more. But I do have one Dominique hen.LOL

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