
I NEED CHICKENS CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME....................................................................
Hello everybody, I have been busy with this heat, just like the rest of you.
We have had a little rain and it is a cool 83 degrees today.

I have been gathering up my breeders and putting them back in their pens so they can go back to work soon.
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Hello everybody, I have been busy with this heat, just like the rest of you.
We have had a little rain and it is a cool 83 degrees today.

I have been gathering up my breeders and putting them back in their pens so they can go back to work soon.
I spent an hour chasing chickens this morning. This drop in temp we had has them frisky and they didn't want to go back into their tractors after I let them out to run around for a while. 'Bout ready to buy electrified poultry netting so I don't have to chase them all over the pasture. Sheesh! Usually they herd quite nicely but they did NOT want to be penned in their runs this morning. Had them crawling through the barbed wire fence to go play in the neighbor's hay pasture.
Does anyone know of a reputable place to buy pullets? I won't be ready until the spring (I want everything to be "right" for them, since this is my first time). I've looked online and can only find one place within a couple of hours that actually has chickens on sight instead of them being shipped in.

I am looking at breeds that can do well in our Texas weather and are friendly, so the Wyadottes (sp?) and Orps keep coming up.

any breed for texas is okay as long as they have a dense shaded area to cool off and june,july,august = once a day around 3pm, add a gallon size block of ice to water container you would be surprised to how often I find my Hens sunbathing during these months; is it too early for STATE FAIR talk?
I am very excited for the State Fair. Maybe I can actually meet some of the people I "see" on here! I am eager to see the different chickens and learn!

Does anyone have any helpful "hints" on how to train or accustom my dogs to chickens. They are golden retrievers. Are there any strategies that you've used that work?

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