Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Heck, seems like since the neanderthals modern humans have eliminated and absorbed the competition of any species
Not the Neanderthals. The Europeans.
The Europeans or Eurasians probably eliminated the Neanderthals too.

And did a lot more Im not proud of.
Even today they let immigrants suffer and dye if they try to come to Europe as illegal immigrants
Nice to see i’m not the only one to feel uncomfortable about those situations. I was beginning to wonder if living isolated with chickens had badly impaired my social skills 🤣.

I hope I didn't make my friends sound like the kind of people you can't discuss with. That is my partner's father - gets all his information on Facebook, doesn't realize at all the enormity of what he says, sees the world in black and white, and so on. My friends are very well informed and keen on diversity of sources both politically and geographically. She is fluent in Bulgarian, Russian, Spanish, French , German and English. So @BDutch when they chose to use a VPN or tor to access RT in cyrillic they are not being manipulated by the KGB, they know exactly whose voice they are choosing to listen to.
It makes it even more discouraging for me to see that we are not able to debate serenely.
I once met someone who preferred Kant to Aristotle. He wouldn't tell me why, but he did tell me to read.
While we all have very different upper education system I did something equivalent as majoring in philosophy for my bachelor degree. We were taught the kantian revolution opened the way to modern thinking. To sum up very simply, he stated the position of the person who observes, is determinant to reality, both because one can only see reality partially, and because observation actually impacts it. Led the way to modern physics, quantum mechanics, ethnology, and so much more.

My partner happens to be extremely interested in the fate of the american Indians, both north and south. He’s not the academic type, but when we met he had in his library many biographies and historical fiction, and some historical books on the Spanish armada. I read a few of them. I know very little however on Australian history. I see now that many of these original people are active in environmental activism. I think it's a bitter irony of history that they probably had the skills that would have allowed humanity to survive for much longer than I believe it will now.
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Chipie is apparently planning to lay again today. She laid four eggs at the end of July that were her first of the year, then stopped, and now there is a whole lot of drama going on for four hours now. Théo is once again doing his best with no success.

We’ve finally named the two last chicks. We believe they are true sisters with same mother and father because they are very similar in looks and temper. This is Mélisse (lemon balm).

This is Lulu. It is both the name of the farmer Gaston's sister and a tribute to RC’s Lulu. The French U sound is very different from English, it's identical to the German ü - think Deutschland über alles for an ugly example you have probably heard.


Photos from yesterday evening:

Broody sweetie piou-piou 🥰


Blanche spends a lot of time resting but still there. Hope she makes it through the heat wave forecasted for the end of the week.

Ok, so you don't want to lay in the nest box, why not try lay just next to it ?

I’ll be back Friday!


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Not the Neanderthals. The Europeans.
The Europeans or Eurasians probably eliminated the Neanderthals too.

And did a lot more Im not proud of.
Even today they let immigrants suffer and dye if they try to come to Europe as illegal immigrants
I didn't word it right.
Modern humans met Neanderthals and other human species that are just fossils now... but they are in the DNA of a lot of people. The only people that aren't hybrids are from parts of Africa... well I read something about a pigmy tribe there that had some older species in their genetics.

Even the New Zealand aboriginals did the same to ones before them. According to a program I seen on public television.
an hour long , but claims there were other people that they tried or killed off before Europeans.
Skeletons in cupboard

People are not any more civilized today, its still us against them

We’ve finally named the two last chicks. We believe they are true sisters with same mother and father because they are very similar in looks and temper. This is Mélisse (lemon balm).

This is Lulu. It is both the name of the farmer Gaston's sister and a tribute to RC’s Lulu. The French U sound is very different from English, it's identical to the German ü - think Deutschland über alles for an ugly example you have probably heard.
I had to laugh real hard because of you u explain.

Laughing tax. Present from my dd for the scratch.

Katrientje telling me its time for scratch.
Many species kill for food. Some kill for territory. Some maybe even kill for sport. But only we kill for ideology.

Ideology may not be the right word because I mean it to include religion. Maybe I should say ‘belief system’.

Two chickens
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Some historians say that the people in power made the people believe it was for ideology. But in reality it has always been seizing more power, exploitation, money (gold) and land. :sick

More tax to pay:
Ini mini moulting

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