Thank you, mysterious crazy person!

I told you, I gifted Q9!

You guys are credit takers.
Causing Q9 to run screaming into the night.
No biggie. Wanna help?

Sounds like fun actually.
...Not your own I hope, autopsy... that would make it difficult to type.

Auto-Autopsy, not even once.

No, it was not my own. That would be an interesting challenge though.

Made me wonder for a minute. So you are a coroner? I heard they like to drink...or well, in high school I shadowed a coroner for govt...well, I was sick the day everyone got pick a person to shadow like the jail house and what not so this one was picked for me...worst experiance ever. But it was early in the morning when I went with my group and I called him out on it...oh, his stench of liquer that is....and he said, all of them that he knows drink. Wonder if Dr. G gets schlockered?

Ok, carry on.... Em said she did it but she's so ? what's the word? pushy? adament? puffed up about it? That I have a feeling she's pulling your leg...but maybe she contributed a penny too? Maybe we'll neeever know?
No. It makes too much sense. You're trying to mess with me again. It's not gonna work. I see through you, Em! You're running this whole operation. The Illuminati... Area 51... HAARP... the Roswell Incident... all those "ghost" sightings... the mysterious success of the movie Pearl Harbor... and now this. It all fits.

YOU'RE behind it all! I have connected the dots and seen the big picture!
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