Thankful For You

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Happy Thanksgiving to those in the United States. In the spirit of being thankful, I thought I would start a chain of “BYC User Thanks”.


If you’ve been thankful for someone on the site, mention it here. I’ll start. With @aart. I have a feeling she is going to feel a little uncomfortable being called out.... but :idunno.... sometimes that’s half the fun. :oops:

There isn’t another BYC member that has made me think as much or grow as much as a chicken keeper.

You’re so articulate and succinct and no nonsense yet compassionate and caring. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it so much.

I’ve realized I can respect my animals and also that I can still celebrate the spirituality of the world around me, without entering into this dangerous territory of projecting things onto them. It doesn’t meant I cannot love them and appreciate what they bring to me, and In a way, it makes me feel a deeper connection. All of this personal growth comes directly from @aart’s comments through the years about anthropomorphism.

whenever I’m doing BYC research and I stumble upon an older post with an @aart comment I always feel like it was put there for me at that moment. :lau

so, THANK YOU AART! You’re very much appreciated, every day.

Who wants to go next??? :yesss:

There are a few I'm thankful for...

@KDOGG331 you make me pee my pants daily. Your kindness is truly amazing

@Kiki you helped me when I needed it most and you've made me laugh a lot. You are the reason I had such a sucessful hatch last hatch.

@muddy75 for showing me how a woman can be anything they want to be even a hunter

@ValerieJ for always sharing good recipes and making me hungry even when I'm feeling blah

@R2elk who is always on top of everything and always finding info

@007Sean you always seems to make me laugh even when I don't feel like it

@mixedUPturk I can never thank you enough for all the advice and help

@N F C I truly don't think there is anyone more kind than you

@DobieLover your kindness has always been something I admire and you're always giving the best advice

@Miss Lydia you saved Pickles life and I can never thank you enough

@NHMountainMan your stories have brought me to tears and you show everyone how precious life truly is

@igorsMistress you encouraged me to start meat chicks and it's been truly amazing learning from you

@BullChick you crack me up every single day and your advice is always taken to heart

@aart you've taught me many things and most have ended up written in my notebook so I never forget

If I forgot you, it's probably because I'm overtired and I have the memory of a squirrel with ADHD.

Everyone on BYC has truly helped me in one way or another.

:goodpost: All y'all, everyone who IS the BYC community, is special and important to me. My chickens have benefitted from your wisdom, knowledge and experience, although they do not know it. I enjoy your company almost daily. You "get me out of the house" and into a wider world than just these four walls. Through you, I can connect with people all over the world with a similar interest: the care and feeding of these little guys in feathers. Because of you, I'm not lonely. Because of you, someone hears me. I can laugh and learn and cry. You're my world, and I love you all. Thanks. And blessings to y'all! :hugs
Im thankful for all of you!
The smart folks who answer my questions.
The funny people who make me laugh.
The trolls that give me something to do.
And @TwoCrows for making me smile over this gif that iv'e had since 2017.
Im thankful for all of you!
The smart folks who answer my questions.
The funny people who make me laugh.
The trolls that give me something to do.
And @TwoCrows for making me smile over this gif that iv'e had since 2017.
View attachment 1979803 are too sweet! :hugs

Crows and Ravens Rule!! :cool:
Kind of have to!
Iv'e been feeding them for yeeeears, they've set up shop and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Best lookouts and eaters of darn near anything "grateful too" I could ask for.
They're family now, my sky chickens execept they lay random stuff, not eggs.
My key collection and clothespin pile have never been better, and iv'e had 0 predator losses in 4 years.
Those birds are the best...unless you leave your keys out.:lau
Keep up the lovin' on those Corvids! :)
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