Thanksgiving Hatch- Anyone want to join in?

Welcome Jen
I candled. I am in denial. I just can't bring myself to remove any Seramas. It looks like most of them won't hatch. I have a couple of ducks that should be taken out too and at least one silkie if I'm not mixing up any of the leghorns. Those are just starting out, but they aren't doing that well, which is probably good in the long run. Most appear infertile whether by shipping or whatever.

Rustywoman, I meant to answer you and tied my brain in a knot earlier. I have used a sponge (normal dish size) and a cup from Brown Cow Greek Yogurt (Oikos uses the same cup, it has a wide top, but is tall enough to keep chicks from climbing into it.

I pulled out the big sponges for this hatch, though, because I had a horrible time with humidity last time. Ace had a large utility sponge on sale last month that holds about 2 cups of water.
i candled on day 10 and had 12 out of 16 infertile silkies and 2 out of 15 infertile seramas... tossed those as well as 1 more silkie that had black blobs floating and blood in it... EWW! so as of tonight when i candled i am down to 3 silkies 10 serama 7 WLxRIR and 2 OEGBxRIR. they all seem to be progressing fine but the 3 silkie eggs have wierd air sacs fairly large and wierd shaped but the chicks are still progressing so i am leaving them in there. good luck to all of you on your hatches i will be keeping my fingers crossed for everyone. oh yeah forgot bout the 3 serama quitters i had to toss.
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Oh neferset
I am sorry about the seramas. I have heard they are really hard to get to hatch.
Thank you for your advice on the sponge and cup, I think I will do that.
Evonne: Oh how awful for the chick to decide to take a bath at the worst time. I would have been horrified to see that. Thanks for that tip too. I will make sure whatever I put in is tall enough and heavy enough to not get knocked over or climbed into.
These are DRAMA babies. There are 12 blue EE eggs, 12 SLW, and a mixed dozen of Welsummers, SS, BR, RIR. It was to be a split hatch, about two days difference. I set up a second incubator and transferred the lockdown eggs to it (EE, SLW). Some how, I managed to bump the cord on the genesis and UNPLUG IT. The younger eggs sat a day without heat. Also, when I realized this, I checked the lockdown incubator, only to find the temp in it was down to 96. SNAP!

So this hatching will be a miracle, to say the least. I took my hairdryer and warmed up the 96 degree bator. I put the younger eggs in the lockdown incubator with the older ones. At this point, I figured it was better to get them warm again than worry about a day's flipping. I have two dozen on Day 21 and a dozen on Day 19.

Will keep you posted.

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