Thanksgiving Hatchalong


This is Jack, the daddy, on the left and Chrissy on the right. Chrissy may possibly have contributed to the eggs under Janet. I have no idea. I also haven't checked to see how many eggs are even in the nest.
A bit frustrated at the moment. Candling the chicken eggs is a bust. The brown shells are notoriously difficult to candle, but I tried anyway. One looks possibly dead (ring of death). A couple of the lighter ones show what looks like veining and I can't tell anything on the rest. Can't even candle the quail eggs, too small and fragile. However, I am concerned about the quail eggs around the edges of the incubator. I can't get the temp along the sides above 97 without cooking the eggs in the middle where it is a comfortable 100. The chicken eggs like it a touch warmer than the quail so they are in the middle surrounded by quail.

I need a new/better incubator.

Add a fan. Mine made a huge difference in my incubator. I recommend finding a computer repair shop and getting a cpu fan from them, then look up wiring a cpu fan for an incubator. There's a thread here on BYC, I think, that tells you how. Cheap and relatively easy.
:he A bit frustrated at the moment. Candling the chicken eggs is a bust. The brown shells are notoriously difficult to candle, but I tried anyway. One looks possibly dead (ring of death). A couple of the lighter ones show what looks like veining and I can't tell anything on the rest. Can't even candle the quail eggs, too small and fragile. However, I am concerned about the quail eggs around the edges of the incubator. I can't get the temp along the sides above 97 without cooking the eggs in the middle where it is a comfortable 100. The chicken eggs like it a touch warmer than the quail so they are in the middle surrounded by quail.

:idunno I need a new/better incubator.

I have better luck candling dark eggs around day 10, I just use a cheapie $3 led flashlight from Walmart camping supplies department and it does a pretty good job with my green eggs and Marans eggs. So maybe give them a few days and take another peek at them- hopefully you'll see more then.
I've read about the hot and cold spots in the still air bators and some folks here on byc rotate the eggs on the edges with the ones in the warmer spots. Maybe something to try until you get a fan for it or new incubator.

We've got four babies now! One is partridge which is strange... our only partridge hen is a silkie and none of her eggs were in the nest. Maybe genetics from the silkie rooster, as we have proof that he is the daddy. I thought these babies were smaller than normal but we now also have proof.


They are all small, smaller than I remember seeing any full size chicken chicks being. So we are going to have a batch of half silkie half laying hen chicks. This will be interesting. Especially as these eggs were laid after the silkie rooster was separated for about a week but now I know that hens can hold sperm for a few weeks.

Little egger plymoth x
mr. Puffy cheeks
funny dots
what is wrong with her feet?

Your chicks are adorable! Congrats!! The one with the curled toes will need some corrective taping to prevent it from becoming permanent. Here is a link that shows a variety of leg and feet issues and how you can fix them at home :) hope it helps!

Sometimes these issues are caused by vitamin deficiencies. If you aren't already using it, try getting some Sav-a-Chick electrolyte and vitamin supplement (one little packet is mixed with a gallon of water, then just put the mixture in their waterer.)

I have a hen with crooked toes (got her when it was too late to fix them). She is a sweetheart but she struggles to get around. She can't be in with my rooster because she can't bear his weight on her. If you can fix yours now it will make for a much more comfortable life for her :)

This is my Toe Lulah and her crooked toes.


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