Thanksgiving- What are your plans?

Whats bowle?? HOw do you make it??

You start out with a bottle of champage, or better yet, start with 1/2 a bottle. Then you get one of those larger cans or plastic cans of mandarin oranges and dump it in there, juice, fruits and all. The juice will take the "tart-ness" of the champage away and the mandarins floating in your drink make it taste nice and fruity. You'll of course need a spoon to fish those out after a while but they'll be oh so good. If it gets too sweet with only 1/2 a bottle, just keep adding champagne until you like the mix.
That also used to be my families traditional newyears drink.
Whats bowle?? HOw do you make it??

You start out with a bottle of champage, or better yet, start with 1/2 a bottle. Then you get one of those larger cans or plastic cans of mandarin oranges and dump it in there, juice, fruits and all. The juice will take the "tart-ness" of the champage away and the mandarins floating in your drink make it taste nice and fruity. You'll of course need a spoon to fish those out after a while but they'll be oh so good. If it gets too sweet with only 1/2 a bottle, just keep adding champagne until you like the mix.
That also used to be my families traditional newyears drink.

Yuuuum! I'm sooo making this on Christmas Eve!! Thanks!
You start out with a bottle of champage, or better yet, start with 1/2 a bottle. Then you get one of those larger cans or plastic cans of mandarin oranges and dump it in there, juice, fruits and all. The juice will take the "tart-ness" of the champage away and the mandarins floating in your drink make it taste nice and fruity. You'll of course need a spoon to fish those out after a while but they'll be oh so good. If it gets too sweet with only 1/2 a bottle, just keep adding champagne until you like the mix.
That also used to be my families traditional newyears drink.

Yuuuum! I'm sooo making this on Christmas Eve!! Thanks!

You're welcome. Let me know if you like it.
Big dinner with whole family! I am baking 6 pies, honey-pumpkin squares and Ambrosia salad. Mom's cooking chicken & dumplins, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, baked beans, creamed corn, ham, 2 kinds of gravy. It's gonna be awesome! Then we will check on the new rabbit litter, sleep, man our table at the weekly farmers market for Black Friday, then head to a big holiday craft fair on Saturday--fingers crossed! Then we will sleep all day Sunday, huzzah. I'm happy that I escape Black Friday shopping this year all my shopping--big ticket items--is done!

My whole family (+ BIL's, thankfully no SIL's, nepehews and niece) a big table, a HUGE dinner which all the ladies will be preparing while all the men have fun. (Sometimes I wish that girls didn't have to cook :p )
Forget what I said before. I'm callin' in sick and going with Red to her mother's for dinner.

Everyone has to work on Thanksgiving!! We're going to eat breakfast together, I'll be around for lunch, but not for dinner. My mom won't be around for breakfast or lunch. Haha!

The day after I'm going to visit with my dad's side of the family.
Dh will be coming home tomorrow,and the kids are off school as of tomorrow. I am having my mom over on TH. Probably make some cornish hens,mashed taters with fried onions and shrooms,freshly cooked cranberries,baked sweet potatos,salad,and pumpkin rolls for dessert.Eat then chillax.Hopefully we can find a decent movie to watch. I think last year I made some picnic ham too.My mom loves that stuff.

Look over sales.Hopefully dh can find my phone or buy me a new one. I am sure the kids will let grams know what gifts they would love to get for the holidays. I will ofcourse cook and clean,and tend to all the animals.If the roofers don't come before TH I might even crawl up on the roof(hate heights) and try to repair a leak.

I wish it was spring and we were celebrating easter.
We always go to my moms, because most of us are already there to deer hunt. This year we raised a turkey (40 lbs!) we had him cut in half and will be smoking half, and deep frying the other half. (and cooking a small one for back up just incase this one doesn't turn out).

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